When customer Rinesha Moore complained to a Memphis restaurant manager about her fries being cold, she never expected that her comment with end up with her being violently choked. Two weeks ago, customers and staff of Crumpy’s Hot Wings in Memphis, TN got an eyesore when a vicious fight broke out between a customer and restaurant owner, Donald Crump. Although Crump insists that he only removed the woman for “disrespecting his business,” he ended up being arrested after accusations that he choked the woman after she complained about her food. Say what…?
Crump, the 61-year-old founder of Crumpy’s Hot Wings in Memphis, allegedly got into an argument with customer Rinesha Moore last Friday when she complained that her fries weren’t warm enough. Moore told WREG that she placed the order over the phone and went to pick it up 45 minutes later. Moore told the station, “I saw that my food was kinda…it’s usually smoking but it wasn’t smoking this time, it was kinda dry so I said can I get some fresh fries.” She said when she confronted him about the cold food, Crump seemed completely unconcerned and blamed her for being late to pick up her order. Then, he refused to refund her money.
Moore apparently shoved the food on the counter and the fries then dropped to the floor. However, three witnesses reported to police they saw her throw the food on the floor before the argument escalated. Moore claimed that Crump pushed her and started choking and strangling her. “I could barely breathe. He said ‘Don’t disrespect my store’ as he was choking me.” She ended up in the hospital on Sunday because she suffered painful injuries from the incident.
Though witnesses said they saw Crump choking the woman, Crump said he just grabbed her to remove her for “disrespecting his business.” While he said there was video evidence to back up his claim, he didn’t immediately provide it because he said he had to consult his lawyer. Crump was ultimately arrested and charged with aggravated assault.
Lesson learned. If you’re going to claim that your fries aren’t warm enough at Crumpy’s Hot Wings, be prepared to battle it out.