These people know how to do their job in a rather humorous way!
Each profession has a certain set of tasks and expectations, but as is human nature, people make mistakes.
From messing up labels to being extremely lazy with not finishing up a job, these photos are truly iconic examples of when something that looks so easy to do goes so wrong!
When you just don’t believe in privacy anymore…

Surprise your guests and family this Thanksgiving season! Leave them wanting more!

When you’ve been burned too much in the past, your major trust issues start to affect your work…

The question is: Did the chef actually go to culinary school though?

Okay, if someone doesn’t STOP directly at the line, it’s not technically their fault!

Someone didn’t fill out the template for the text alerts to their school…

Wow! What a deal! You’re definitely saving money on some shoes here.

Some people just don’t know how things work.

What mom wouldn’t love to wear this bag as a shirt?

Predicting a lot of traffic accidents on this road…

Exactly what level of laziness does this qualify for?

This roll of toilet paper should last for the next 6 months…

Making that Halloween to Christmas transition so much easier!

Um, I do not think I will be getting the ‘Sweat and Sour Pork’. Thanks, but no thanks!

But what do the ‘C’ and ‘O’ stand for? I have to know! I might lose sleep over this!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! We haven’t even celebrated Christmas 2017 yet!