Kristen Haynes might be the meanest teacher in America. Her friend, Jaunita Tyler, is even meaner. Together, they allegedly beat and terrified one of Haynes’ students, nine-year-old Jomaury Champ, a fourth-grader at Tilton Elementary School in Chicago. The women have been charged with battery and Champ’s family has filed a lawsuit against the Chicago School Board.

Source: Law Offices of Al Hofeld Jr.
The alleged beatdown occurred early in the school, on September 20th, 2018. Champ arrived at school in the morning like any other day but the day quickly changed to anything but normal. Haynes and Tyler grabbed him and dragged him into the bathroom. The boy didn’t even know who Tyler was, she was not an employee of the school, nor had he ever seen before, according to a news report.
Once they got to the bathroom, police say that’s where the violence really began.

The lawsuit alleges that Tyler, again, not an even an employee at the school, but a friend of Haynes’ that apparently was only there is issue the beating, demanded that Champ “take down his pants” and when Champ refused, Tyler began whipping him with a leather belt.
The whipping broke skin and left abrasions on the boys back and legs and when Tyler was finished, she marched Champ straight into his classroom where he “sat at his desk all morning and sobbed uncontrollably, publicly shamed and humiliated by the experience.”

Source: Law Offices of Al Hofeld Jr.
Champ’s family has filed a lawsuit, both women have been charged, but only with misdemeanors thus far and Tyler, the teacher who brought a friend to work to beat one of her students is current on leave from the Chicago School District.
That doesn’t seem like nearly enough punishment for something this sadistic.