Most professionals would love nothing more than to get out of their office and take a little time to travel and experience some new scenery. This notion has become increasingly difficult for workers to fulfill, however, as they find it hard justifying the additional expense of taking a vacation. Not all hope is lost for those who crave travel though, as there are a fair amount of jobs out there that not only require workers to work from varying locations, but also pay substantially. Here are 10 well-paying jobs that are the perfect fit for the adventurer at heart.
Job information from CNBC

Working within both the construction and design fields, architects must be on-site for some duration of time to ensure that their building design and plans are being carried out correctly. Because of this, architects are constantly on the road either visiting new cities or exploring new local developments. On top of this, architects are paid on average $87,500 with an average PTO of 11.6 days per year.

Ship Engineer:
According to, a typical ship engineer is directly responsible for the maintenance and operation of the multiple systems located on a ship, and since they must be on the boat to do their job full-time, ship engineers travel to various destinations throughout the year, and with an average annual salary of $78,000 and an average paid time off (PTO) of 11.6 days, professionals in this field are able to have control as to where they go in their free time as well.

Environmental Engineer:
Environmental engineers spend most of their time on the clock developing more efficient processes in clean water production, waste management, and overall pollution reduction for communities, which takes them out on the road fairly often to visit the sites of production for these public services. On average, an environmental engineer will take home an annual salary of $91,000 while receiving 11 days of PTO.

Travel Writer:
Travel Writers either work as freelancers or are contracted by their respective publisher to travel and write about their exploits. While sometimes a risky profession as a writer may not get the content they wanted or their trip experience does not resonate with the audience, it is well worth the experience and perspective. On average, a travel writer can expect to bring in $71,000 annually while receiving an excellent 17 days PTO.

Conservation Scientist:
Professionals in the conservation science field find themselves out in the field at state and national parks, monitoring any potential damage caused by the human population and coming up with solutions to help our environment thrive for generations to come. Conservations scientists see an average annual salary of $64,000 with a commendable 14 days in average PTO.

Geological Engineer:
Geological Engineers do their work in fairly remote locations, where they get their hands dirty in mines and quarries while harvesting resources. Although this is a considerably dangerous profession, geo engineers are compensated well with an average salary of $104,000 with an average PTO of 11.4 days, which is plenty of time to kick back and relax while taking a much needed vacation.

Airline Pilot:
When you initially think of jobs that require you to travel frequently, most people immediately think of pilots. They wouldn’t be wrong! Airline pilots fly to new places and destinations year round, with most pilots having required layovers for rest and relaxation – also giving them the opportunity to explore the city where they are situated at the time. On top of this the average airline pilot takes home a whopping $161,000 annually while receiving a mere 5.3 days of PTO.

Zoologists study various types of animals both out in the wild and in controlled environments, which calls for considerable travel to sometimes very remote locations. If these work trips weren’t enough, zoologists also receive an average of 14 days PTO while bringing in an average salary of $66,000.

Marine Engineer:
Similar to the ship engineer, a marine engineer also works with large ships, however they are more focused on the building and maintaining of ships rather than the operation of its systems. Marine engineers also travel a considerable amount to build sites, ensuring that their build plans went accordingly. On average, a marine engineer can expect to bring home $97,000 while taking 17 days in PTO.

Auditors are responsible for determining whether or not a company or organization’s financial records are correct and up to date so that said company/organization does not get charged penalties by the government for improper filing of finances. Auditors can work in-house or work on a consulting basis, jumping from company to company and assisting with their financial information. Professionals in this field can expect a salary of $78,000 on average and an impressive 17 days of PTO as well.
With so many opportunities to mix both work and play, which profession would you be most interested in getting into?