On January 1, 2020, Bethany Provencher was working hard as a waitress at IHOP. She was a single mother who had just moved from Miami to a new home in St. Charles, Illinois. With the expenses of moving, Provencher’s new home was completely lacking in any kind of furniture. But she was able to start 2020 off right thanks to the generosity of one of the couples she served on New Year’s Day.
Provencher was completely floored when she saw that the couple had left her a $2,020 tip on their $70 bill.

“It was unreal that it really happened to me, because stuff like this never happens to me,” she told NBC Chicago. “Now I can completely furnish my house with my son. I’m so blessed and grateful. I couldn’t ask for anything else.”
Provencher was just one of many servers who were lucky enough to encounter diners who were partaking in the “2020 Tip Challenge”. This viral challenge, which encouraged diners to tip 100% gratuity, quickly gained popularity when people saw the effects the coronavirus pandemic had on the restaurant industry.
With 2020 coming to an end and pandemic restrictions still hitting local businesses hard, the tip challenge has now become the “2021 Just Be Nice Challenge”. This challenge now encourages people to help out local businesses by tipping or donating $2,021.

Some famous celebs have become well known for being generous tippers. Tom Selleck and Harry Styles have both helped out their servers by participating in “The 2020 Tip Challenge”, while Charles Barkley thinks a good tip should extend outside of a tipping challenge. “I think it’s important when you’re successful [to be a good tipper],” Barkley told Conan O’Brien in 2014. “I’ve tipped $25,000 before.” New life goal: serve Charles Barkley at a restaurant.