In a plot twist a Non-Florida man is in the news. Auckland, New Zealand, man Joshua Jack brought an emotional support clown to his firing.
On September 13, 2019, the New Zealand Herald published a story about a Jack bringing a support clown to a firing. After Jack received an ominous email from his HR manager at FZB New Zealand about his job; he feared for the worst.
Jack’s company’s policy allowed him to bring one friend or family member to his meeting, being a creative guy, this led Jack to take some creative liberties and do what any rational person would do: he decided to hire a clown.

After being reached out to be Jack, Joe the clown showed up early to the HR meeting, much to the chagrin of the bosses. The clown proceeded to make balloon animals, mimed crying as Joshua got his severance papers, and generally made the meeting more amicable.
Somehow despite this entire ordeal the employees ‘kept straight faces.’

Of course, the ending was generally happy all around. According to United Press International Mr. Jack got a new job at a competing firm, DDB, Joe the clown made $200 for a 20-minute gag, and the company got a free clown.
Of course if you account for an advertising firm firing somebody as creative as Jack, perhaps Joe the clown wasn’t the only clown in the room for the firing of such a creative employee in the first place.
What are your thoughts about bringing an emotional support clown to a firing? Would you do it if you could? Let us know in the comments section.