Can the people at Boston Dynamics please stop doing their jobs so well?
Normally, we are all for technical breakthroughs. We support people working hard. But, we get a little skeptical when your hard work potentially means the downfall of civilization as we know it.
Ok, maybe that’s a little dramatic. But when we see news that an unstoppable robot is now available for sale, it’s not hard to see how people are getting concerned. If you’ve missed the news, take a seat, buckle up, and prepare for the ensuing apocalypse.
Boston Dynamics, the team behind the infamous internet robot videos, have finally unleashed one of their creations into the world.
Prepare.Yourselves()_#spot #BostonDynamics
— ActionMovieDad (@ActionMovieKid) September 26, 2019
It’s name is Spot, and it has come to kill us all. Ok maybe it doesn’t quite have the lasers yet, but it’s just a matter of time. Prior to the actual release, Spot was most famous for dancing to some funky music and generally being quite entertaining.
Finally, the Boston Dynamics decided to sell their robot dog Spot. The first buyers will be companies working in the construction sector, gas and power plants, and for public safety. #4promedia #tech #gadgets #technologynews #4pro_review #bostondynamics #robots
— 4promedia (@4promedia) September 26, 2019
So what exactly is Spot? And how do we hide from it…
Spot looks like a typical dog. Except with no head. So it’s a headless dog (well that’s not even slightly terrifying). Spot is incredibly durable and functions in temperatures of -4F and 113F degrees. Basically, Spot can survive anywhere. What won’t be surviving is us, after the inevitable robot/human war.
Spot also carries a payload of up to 30lbs. It will start with normal things, but you know it’s going to end in rocket launchers.
Oh, and Spot can open doors… That’s right. We can’t even hide behind doors.
Look, Boston Dynamics engineers. We know you had a job to do. Everyone wants to do quality work. But did you have to make it so it can climb stairs? Where are we supposed to hide?
Maybe we can hide up a tree? Oh wait, you’re saying it has 360 degree LIDAR technology vision? That it can basically see through things? Excellent.
At least Boston Dynamics have come out and said that they are not interested in using the Spot as a weapon. But we’ve all seen enough movies to see how this ends.
At least it can’t get any worse.