Who doesn’t love a good pun, especially when someone commits to it 150%. These business owners based their entire livelihoods around an A+ pun, and we have to appreciate that. Enjoy someone of my favorite puns from across the globe!
1. Talk about sleeping with the fishes!

2. Flowers and 80’s time travel? Yes please!

3. I didn’t realize Neverland had such good food!

4. I’m surprised this business is still staying afloat!

5. My favorite Oscar-winning store:

6. Insert joke about crashing and burning here:

7. Bread > this actual actor

8. I definitely want to see a safety inspection for this place!

9. So that’s what happened to Nemo!

10. Wine AND sci-fi movies? Yes please!

11. Bart Simpson would be so proud:

12. So many good puns can be made from ‘Pho’:

13. Literary classics are much better with booze:

14. My precious!

15. Do the barbers dress up in costume?!

16. Only the most haute couture bananas for me:

17. I only want to order Pho here from now own:

18. Can a dinosaur be certified as a masseuse?

19. Quality pun and a good philosophy:

20. Calling all broadway fans, this is the hair salon for you!

21. I bet the quality of these products are “grate”:

22. Thomas Jefferson would certainly approve:

23. And finally, the most adorable pun to ever exist: