Based on how clever these designs are, I would hire all of these people immediately. There should be museums devoted to these works of art. Mona Lisa? Tired. The business card for the divorce lawyer? Iconic!
1. This yoga studio business card is also the perfect size for a Barbie doll to use:

2. You’ll always be thinking of this Bike Repair business with this handy dandy tool:

3. A handy and nutritious business card for surviving in the woods?! Heck yes!

4. Again, yoga studios have some of the most clever designs out there!

5. This divorce lawyer is having way too much fun at his job:

6. Want to lose weight? Apparently this is the only business card you’ll ever need!

7. Words cannot describe how this photographer’s card just makes sense:

8. Shoutout to this dentist’s card for not making cavities look horrifying:

9. Isn’t this so much better than a boring piece of text on a boring square?!

10. With this card, you even get a handy dandy souvenir to hold all your boring and ugly business cards!

11. So apparently you scratch the prongs with your fingernail and it makes a rock tune! I would treasure this card forever:

12. This perfect fun-sized cargo for your Barbie doll to move houses with!

13. And finally, you have to lightly grill this card. I’m not even joking. Holding it next to an open flame will reveal the actual logo. All business cards should involve playing with fire!