Anyone who either is currently working as a server or used to work as a server will get so emotional over these tweets. They truly capture the epic highs and lows (and stupid customers) that came with the job!
1. Honesty really should be rewarded:

2. Anyone else’s brain just refuse to cooperate sometimes?

3. The customer is never right:

4. It is so easy to fake anything with the customers:

5. Shoutout to the best coworkers ever:

6. Again, how are customers this dumb?!

7. Literally zero sympathy on the job ever:

8. Is it possible to facepalm so hard that your hand goes through your head?

9. At least you can resolve conflict easily:

10. Calling all Janets of the world to learn from this tweet!

11. This might actually be a negative trait, not sure yet:

12. How does one “get ready” for it exactly?!

13. Literally just google it lady!

14. Some customers just want to watch the world burn:

15. Every server just wants a customer who’s 10% as kind as this tweet:

16. And finally, this is what any and all servers are thinking always: