Japan’s Hidekichi Miyazaki did not start running until he was in his 90s, stating that he needed something to do after many of his friends passed away. Miyazaki set this record just one day after he turned 105! And as the world’s oldest competitive sprinter, every aspect of his feat is incredible.

Miyazaki has just set a world record for the 100-meter dash with a time of 42.22 seconds! When asked the secret of his success, he simply stated that he exercised daily, ate in moderation, and chewed his food properly. We can all certainly take away a lot from what Miyazaki has accomplished at this advanced age, but maybe the most important thing is is to never set limits for yourself. No matter where you are in life, you still have the ability to achieve what you set your mind to. Congrats Hidekichi, hopefully you can continue to break more records!