We all have a bad day or two at work, but for these people, this was the last straw!
I Scream For… Toxic Health Hazards

“I worked at a well known chain ice cream place. Minimum wage. The drains that consume all of the dairy and fruit from the ice cream scoopers had been clogged for a WEEK before my manager decided to do something about it. There was grey smelly water all over the floor behind the counter. She calls the plumber who shows up like 4 hours late to fix this drain. Well, he opened up that grate and scraped off the first layer of muck and it was like hell itself had opened up from this drain and had viciously lashed about searching for souls to claim. The plumber immediately sat up, trotted out to the front of our building and vomited profusely for a few minutes while my coworker and I ran to the back room. We called the manager and asked if we could go ahead and close the store for the night so that no unsuspecting customers had to be subjected to this foul decay as they walked in. She refused and also told us it couldn’t be that bad and that we needed to stay and serve. We were also not allowed to leave the store to buy medical masks across the street. I sat there. Constantly nauseous. Waiting for time to pass. Four hours (FOUR) pass and we can finally close down. We get another call, informing us that we are to stay another 2 hours until the manager could get to our store to ensure the plumber did not harm any store property. I left that night with the knowledge that I just subjected myself to a serious health hazard, without safety equipment, for $7.50/hr.” (source)
You Missed The Bathroom

“I worked at a deli near my house. Got paid $6.50 per hour because it was owned by a church, non profit. Not too busy of a place, in a not so busy town. Except for when said town throws its annual festival. It’s the busiest weekend of the year for nearly every business on every street. Me and three other people are working frantically to keep this little sandwich machine pumping all while the place is slammed to the hilt with people… God, the people. Just so many assholes wanting so many different things: food, bathroom, directions, etc. In the midst of the chaos somebody drops their basket of chips on the floor, so naturally I go to grab the vacuum from the maintenance closet. I make my way thru the crowd toward the back of the deli, which is where the closet and bathroom are located. The line for the bathroom stretched all the way to the front door. I open the closet, turn on the light and take a good a hard look at the vacuum cleaner in front of me. Apparently….. some drunk asshole couldn’t wait in line, saw the maintenance closet thinking it was another bathroom, went in, noticed it wasn’t a bathroom but decided it was too late, dropped trou, and relieved himself all over the vacuum cleaner I needed so desperately to clean the floor that belonged to the deli that only paid me 6 and a half American greenbacks per hour. I literally did not get paid enough for that sh*t.” (source)
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

“Cable guy here:
You know that really run down trailer park with hundreds of cats running around unchecked outside? The one that’s full of rust bucket trucks with confederate flags painted on the tail gate? When the wind blows you are overwhelmed by the scent of cat urine….. I go into those trailers and dig through piles of garbage/diapers/animal and human sh_t all because “My Fox News pixelated once during the debate” only to find the customer had spliced in their own line because they wanted tv in the rest of the trailer. I then have to crawl under the trailer and run a new line to replace the one they f_cked up, all the while being told how I’m a piece of crap because I’m following company policy that you pay for every room you have TV in. Also here’s 2 dead cats and a black widow colony that I carefully avoid, until I am backing out (because you don’t have room to turn around under a trailer) and my boot goes into the web. I do all of this just so they can have cable for the 3 months until they get disconnected for not paying the bill and switch to dish.
It was a long day.” (source)
Nope, The Rules Apply To Everyone

I worked in a deli at a grocery store. We did cheese and meat slices and sandwiches, other food, etc. One day in the busy lunch rush while making people sandwiches, someone asked for a type of meat on their sandwich that we usually don’t use, it isn’t in our precut selections we make right before the lunch rush. Ok I say I’ll go slice some.
I let my teammate I’m working with know I’ll be right back, they continue making sandwiches for other people. I slice the meat and of course they ask for cheese off the usual list too. I slice that up, get back over to the sandwich making area, put on their toppings, and start to ring them up. They stop me and say, no no I didn’t order order off your menu there, just ring me up for the meat and cheese.
Of course that’s about $2 compared to $6 or $7 for a sandwich. We argue for a moment, loudly enough for all the other people in line, and my teammate to hear. I glance at my teammate, who had been there longer than me, for help and they give the tiniest of head shakes. So I looked right at the customer and said “you want a sandwich, you pay for a sandwich! ” and threw the nice neatly wrapped sandwich in the trash can behind me, and shouted “Next!” (source)
Just Order Off The Menu

“I work at Olive Garden and had someone ask me for “the fritta.” We have Lasagna Fritta, Shrimp scampi fritta (classic or spicy), Artichoke fritti, and a chicken fritta topping for the Cucina Mia. This was after her husband ordered “Chicken Freeda,” which turned out to be Chicken Alfredo. I thought maybe she was a dummy and also didn’t know how to pronounce “alfredo,” so I asked if she was getting the same thing. Nope. “The fritta.” Then it turned into the “spaghetti fritta, no the raviolis….” and then points to the Lasagna Fritta picture. What the hell. You just read the menu. Tell me the exact name of what you want and stop trying to make stuff up.” (source)
A Crappy Job

“Picking up an intoxicated person and he slapped me in the side of the head with his colostomy bag. I turned around for like 2 seconds to talk to my partner. Her eyes got big, and it suddenly felt like I got hit with a water balloon. A warm, gooey, stinky, repulsive, poop filled water balloon.” (source)
When You’ve Just Seen Too Much

“I’m an EMT and I had a patient who was a hoarder who broke her hip. She didn’t call for an ambulance until her 3 day supply of heroine and whisky ran out. She had kind of burrowed under her piles of crap and passed out after she called and it took us hours to find her. It made me reevaluate my entire outlook on my career in EMS and I’m going to go for something different.” (source)
Ketch You Later!

“Was a manager at a McDonald’s and I got screamed at by our district supervisor, mid shift, for putting 2 too many ketchup packets on a bag through the drive thru. The end of my two weeks notice landed on a day that the district supervisor came through the drive thru on a weekly visit; he pulled up, ordered his food and I got it ready. But when he came to the window it wasn’t his bag of food I passed out the window to him- I gave him a bag full of nothing but ketchup packets. He came in asking “What the f*ck” fuming and stomping around all angry and I just said “I’m outta here.” and walked out.” (source)
Yeah, That’s How Math Works

“I used to work at a shoe store, we always had people in there to buy Jordan’s. We were having a 40% off sale one time, one lady told her husband “This pair is 40 off, we’re buying two, that means 80% off”. I explained to her multiple times it meant it was 40% of the total, but she didn’t get it and kept saying “40 + 40 is 80″. Eventually I said screw it and just told her she might as well buy 3 pairs, because that’s 120% off and we’d be paying HER for the shoes, then walked off as the gears turned in her head trying to comprehend what I said.” (source)
What’s In The Bag? Don’t Wanna Know.

“I’m a teacher. We had to call a conference with a parent because her child’s grades had dropped significantly and it didn’t help that he was absent often. So much, in fact, that we were about to file truancy charges on mom. She was hostile during the meeting. She seemed on the edge of violence. She would slam her hands on the table and lean into my personal space. I remember her big black handbag on the table. She kept picking it up and putting it in her lap. After the meeting, life went on. Two days later, that mom was arrested. She had robbed a bank teller at gunpoint. That same day as our conference. The video footage and picture showed her in the same clothes, pulling a revolver out of that big handbag.” (source)
A Tough Friday

“Accountant here. When my mate who works in IT as web developer works less hours and gets paid more than me doing something he enjoys. He told me he was playing counter strike with his manager to wind down on Friday afternoon. I am working till 8 pm everyday and come in on weekends.” (source)
Guys, Come On.

“Five college students came in Sunday and ordered one pizza (we’re a carryout/delivery store). They wanted to pay for it five ways. They stood there for ten minutes, while I got each of them their change, each of them having a $50.
The pizza was $8.
I still don’t understand why they didn’t just chip into together and have one person cover it, but I also don’t get paid enough to figure that one out, either.”
Speaking Out Of Line

“When my patient pointed his finger at me angrily and said, “Your job is to serve me.” No one has ever talked to me that way in my life. How dare someone speak to me that way who is depending upon me to make sure they don’t bleed out after their heart catheterization and advocate on their behalf to the physicians.”