Every work place is different, but almost every one has at least one of these employees. Do these sound like any of your coworkers?
The type who gets to work way earlier than necessary.

The type who laughs way too loud at everything in the office.

The type who HAS to show you their kid’s artwork.

The type who works in another department and you always run into but never talk to.

The type who never refills the coffeemaker.

The type where every conversation you have with them is about the weather.

The type who always wears headphones.

The type who likes to be a know-it-all.

The type who always seems to know the office gossip.

The type who never misses a chance to complain about something.

The type who sends way too many emails.

The type who has no filter whatsoever.

The type you always run into while going to the bathroom.

The type who eats their smelly lunch right at their desk.

The type who spends way too much time thinking about their coworkers instead of actually working.