Having a job is essential to your life. Whether you like it or not, you are forced to work to continue to provide for yourself or family. Although, there is only so much a person can take before they decide to quit. If you are on the brink of leaving your current job, check out these 15 people who quit their jobs in style.
People Are Greater Than Profits!

The corporate office treated these employees so poorly, almost the entire crew resigned. Sweatshops are illegal for a reason.
This Live TV Resignation

This news anchor quit on live television to spearhead her campaign to legalize marijuana in Alaska. She simply said "F*ck it, I quit" at the end of her segment.
Nothing Says “I Quit” Like A Marquee Sign

Not sure what company this person quit, but they didn't care who saw. It would be pretty ironic if it was for a fan company.
Always Starts From The Top

An under staffed team is an unhappy team. You can only push people so far before they fight back.
Her Boss Got Rick Roll’d

We're assuming they meant to put "resignation" on there. Either way, this is an amazing final troll.
Smell Ya Later Holmes

Flying through space on a vacuum shooting rainbows. If that's not epic, we don't know what is.
Ironic It’s In Front Of The Help Wanted Sign

If you can't be on time, you have to communicate with your employees. Otherwise, you might see this on the door.
Nobody Can Blame Them For Leaving

Belittling employees is a great way to lose their respect. Hopefully, no one shops at this store until a new owner is in place.
Mr. Cake Knows How To Quit In Style

That cake almost looks too good to eat. But surely the boss had a slice to support the great Mr. Cake in his future endeavors.
Hopefully The Boss Reads Those Pop-Ups

Those little pop-ups are usually pointless. This one on the other hand is quite important.
Let Mario Say It For You

This guy created his own level of Mario to announce he's quitting. Once the level is finished, "I QUIT" flashes on the screen.
Never Agitate The Employee With The Sign Letters

In the employee's defense, he DID change the sign. Maybe just not what the boss had in mind.
Bet Greg Didn’t See That Coming

Greg needs to understand, flipping those square burgers gets old fast. Quitting is the better option.
Employee: 1 Job: 0

Pretty sure this employee was the prime example of a team player. We wouldn't come in tomorrow if this were the case, either.
A Sweet Way To Give A Two Weeks Notice

People always get excited when you bring cupcakes in to the office. Although, the boss might be the only one not happy with these.