Most brands have a catchy slogan tied to their name, but have you ever wondered what it would be like if the slogans were more — well, realistic? Wonder no more, the fine folks over at Honest Slogans have put together what we all have been thinking.
Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200

Being in jail is no laughing matter.

If you’ve ever played Monopoly, you know this is beyond true.
They All Can’t Be Authentic

These are some of the most popular handbags in the world.
Louis Vuitton

Let’s face it. You or someone you know has a fake Louis Vuitton bag.
Why Can’t Older People Use Something Else To Relieve Pain?

If you’ve ever played at pickup game at the YMCA, you know this scent.

No matter how useful Bengay is, we just can’t get past that smell.
How Did All These Pens Get Here?

Nobody actually buys these things, they just appear out of nowhere.

These lighters and pens always wind up at your house, and yet you know you never bought them.
These Things Always Run Out Way Too Fast

They taste so good, the entire tin is gone in about a day.

Whether it’s buttons or safety pins, they are always in these tins. The mints, however, are long gone.
Help Pay For Something Completely Useless

The majority of these “projects” are from people who just want money for nothing.

Someone actually raised $55,000 to make potato salad. No, seriously, this really happened.
Never Go Shopping Again!

Going to an actual store will be the thing of the past eventually.

You can get groceries, toiletries, and basically everything you need to survive on Amazon. No more human interaction for you!
Easily Get Extra Close To That Special Someone

If your party didn’t have this game — was it even a party?

Going through puberty, this was your favorite game. Left hand green, more like left hand on your crush.
Who Doesn’t Love Free Entertainment?

Not everyone can afford this premium cable channel. Why not take advantage of it for free?

You have no idea who actually owns the account. You just know you’re so happy that they hit save password on your computer.
Hypochondriacs Steer Clear

Self-diagnosing is one thing, but this site makes it so much harder.

After searching WebMD for five minutes, that sore foot just became terminal cancer.
This Product Just Masks The Smell

Spray it on to get a few moments of relief.

Febreze never truly gets rid of an odor, no matter how much they claim it does. It just manages the odor for a few hours.
The Future Of Dating

Swiping left or right is so much easier than meeting someone in real life.

You get to swiping so fast, you forget which one is which. That makes for an awkward first conversation.
How Many Polls Would You Like To Take?

Spend all your free time taking countless quizzes and polls here.

Better check BuzzFeed to see what Disney characters look like in real life. You surely have nothing else better to do.
Your Athletic Days Are Clearly In Your Past

This drink is a must for those awful mornings after.

You aren’t a world-class athlete like LeBron James. You just know electrolytes help cure that world-class hangover.
How Did Students Write Papers Before?

It may not be the most credible source for information, but it sure gets the job done.

Wikipedia: getting kids through college since 2001