We've all had our fair share of odd hotel stays. But none of them will compare to the strange stories these people experienced.
“We would find his bathtub full of…”

We had a guest we called “Pie Guy” – he would come into the hotel without a reservation, pay in cash and the next day we would find his bathtub full of the remains of several expensive pies.
“I’d see Elvises EVERYWHERE!”

There was one weekend there was a huge Elvis impersonator conference. I’d see Elvises EVERYWHERE. Elvises in the lobby. Elvises outside. Elvises having continental breakfast. Surreal.
“When they were done someone started…”

I woke up in a hostel dorm to a couple having sex in the bunk nearby. They started off being quiet but got more vocal as it went on. When they were done someone started clapping and we all joined in.
“A guy asked if he could use another room to store his eleven…”

I used to work at the front desk, and a guy asked if he could use another room to store eleven life-size sex dolls.
“He proceeded to smear his…”

Had a guy in a very upscale hotel sit in the lobby and smoke Cuban cigars and drink 1L of Patron. He was making his way to the bathroom when the bellman smelled something and saw a turd on the floor in front of his stand. The gentleman was still walking downstairs and left a trail of turds behind him. He was wearing long pants and they were just tumbling out. When he made it to the bathroom, he proceeded to smear his poop all over the walls.
“He looked right into the camera as he stole a…”

We had a guy steal a TV and get away with it. The cameras show him walking into the hotel, right into the room and moments later carrying something out the back. He looked right into the camera too.
“I found an old battered notebook with…”

I found an old battered notebook with “Why I Love Salad” written on the front and then literally 40-80 pages on why salad was amazing. The author believed salad to be alive.
“He had put his parking permit in his…”

A couple was given a display permit for their car at check in giving them free parking. The husband comes in an hour later shouting that he received a parking ticket. We asked him if he displayed it in the window like we told him to and he said of course, he put it in the window as soon as he got up to his room. He had put it in the bedroom window…not his car.
“She busted a…”

This guy brought in two clearly underage girls and claimed to be their uncle. Something felt fishy so we called the police. Then two other guys arrived and went into the guy’s room. My manager went in saying their was a problem with the bathroom and saw people undressed. She busted a sex trafficking ring.
“Every square inch of the room was covered with…”

One night a man checked into a room and was bringing his luggage in through the side door. Thirty minutes later he was still bringing stuff in. He rented the room for 2 days and after not seeing him on the third day, we checked the room. There was no sign of the man or his luggage, but every square inch of the room was covered with plastic flamingos.
“I saw a family with only one…”

I saw a family with only one suitcase and a rotisserie chicken on one side of the carts.
“In the box springs of the bed there was a…”

Got the room at about 10 pm one night just looking for a place to stay. There was a cat in one of the box springs, discovered after he began to stick his paw out and swipe at us.
“Did you know there was a shooting here?”

A policeman knocked on my door and starts asking me questions before telling me there was a shooting in the room directly across from mine. There had been drug dealers and pimped out ladies in there and a guy just knocked on their door and shot the man.
“The final straw was when I woke up to…”

I woke up to use the bathroom and when I got back in bed the sink turns on. I figured I just forgot to turn it off. Then I woke up and saw the word “HEY” on the clock radio. The final straw was when I woke up to someone saying my name. I noped the f*** out of there.
“She removed her wooden leg and proceeded to…”

I’m a GM of a hotel and I had a lady remove her wooden leg and proceed to beat a homeless man about the head after he threatened a front desk clerk.