Working in a bookstore makes you a smart, cultured person — a SMART, CULTURED person with a LOT of time to think of new ways to sell books. You may think some of these illusive and fantastic strategies are "mistakes," but in reality, those of us who aren't total bookworms are likely going to buy your books before realizing how overly clever you are. We're watching you, book sellers. Look at our evidence:
When They Tried To Be Inclusive Of All Religions

Religion can come from many places, and we’re SUPER sure an airbrushed mural of Tupac will serve the holiest of purposes.
When They Tried To Create New Sections

Customer: “Hello, I’m trying to find the fiction section.”
Employee: “Ah, it’s down past the non fiction section, but if you’ve hit the derp section, you’ve gone too far.”
When They Played A Game Of Spoilers

Might as well just grab the dinosaur book first, it pretty much sums up all the “Game of Thrones” novels.
When They Let The Internet Name Their Sections

Ermahgerd, there’s another ermahgerd reference. This meme might be an oldie, but it’s still a gerdie.
When They Knew What You Were Craving

Maybe they were a little confused with the subject. They could have thought it was cooking FOR your pets.
When They Didn’t Care Much For Religion

Christians might be upset at first, until they realize the tag says save 10%. Even Jesus couldn’t pass those savings up!
When They Put These Two Sections Together

When you’re done researching this horrible event, feel free to enjoy some arts and crafts! Not that bad of an idea when you think about it.
When They Knew Exactly Why You Were There

You are only there to pick up a book to act like you are cultured.
When They Tried To Shame You

After reading that erotic, bondage-filled book, we suggest you repent and cleanse your soul.
When They Didn’t Quite Know What “Authors” Meant

Maybe they just realized that some people don’t have time to sit down and read the novel. Plus, it’s a heck of a lot easier to just watch the movie.
When They Made An Example Of This Poor Kindle

Audio books and tablets are killing the bookstore business. It’s about time they decided to take matters in to their own hands.
When They Made This Not-So-Subtle Comment

Not going to touch this topic. Not even with a 10-foot Jell-o pudding pop.
When They Made This Convenient Sticker Placement

That book cover is huge; surely there was room to put it elsewhere.
When They Tried To Appeal To All Art Forms

The classic “Touched by his Noodly Appendage” painting will go great in your next art paper. Granted your teacher needs to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
When They Knew We Were Afraid To Admit It

Talking rainbow ponies are terrifying. Glad someone else finally realized this.
When They Put “Tall Tales” In The Right Place

Must be at least seven-fert tall to read these books. Hopefully they put all the Twilight books up there; maybe then a few hot werewolves will show up.