For those born in the 1970s, college life was profoundly different for you than it is for kids today. The rise of computer technology, the internet and some of the most prolific pop-culture icons in recent history all made attending college in the '90s a truly special experience. If you're having trouble recalling your glory days at this point, or are just looking for a blast from the past, here are 17 things that EVERY person who went to college in the '90s will understand.
You got your first email address from the university.

Your parents set one up too, just so they could write to you (even though they had no idea how to use it).
You shared a landline with your roommate, and ONE of you was always hogging it.

If it wasn't them, we've got some bad news for you…
You were ALWAYS fighting with your roommate over how to split the phone bill.

Because YOU certainly didn't call someone in Wichita at 2:30 a.m.
Smoking was totally allowed in your dorm room.

In fact, it was weird if you WEREN'T smoking.
At one point in time, you or someone you knew had a totally rad “Pulp Fiction” poster hanging in their dorm room.

…and you still probably think it's the best movie of all time.
You probably knew someone that collected Calvin Klein ads too.

Was it you? It's okay, we all do dumb things in college.
You watched “Friends” in your dorms common room every Thursday night.

…and Molly at the end of the hall had hair just like Rachel, even though she was SUCH a Monica.
Your first vote was cast in an election that held either a Clinton or a Bush.

Unless you were one of those non-traditional students in the '90s, there was no avoiding this.
Unless you were loaded with cash, you probably spent a LOT of your time in the computer lab.

Even if you did have your own computer, the ones in the lab were way faster. Plus all your friends were there anyway.
Facebook only existed on paper…

…and you went through it with your friends each year to pick out people you wanted to meet (stalking sure has come a long way).
Only the SUPER privileged students could afford cell phones…

…which meant that finding your friends across campus was next to impossible.
At least you could always leave messages on your friends’ white boards though.

Every once in a while they were even important!
Sometimes, the best thing to do was wander from party to party looking for your friends.

It was always fun when you met some new ones along the way too!
Flyers were the best way to advertise a party.

The more outrageous the flyer, the more off the chain the party would be.
Fake IDs were STUPID easy to obtain.

Anyone with a camera, a printer and a laminating machine could pull it off.
You know what THIS is and what it’s for.

Hint: It's a zip disk reader, and you needed one for those super big projects (we're talking megabytes here kids).
You either LOVED hacky sack, or you hated everyone who even touched one.

There was no middle ground.