If you are an upstanding citizen and know the difference between their, they’re, and there — these gifts will be right up your alley.
Grammar Monster Stamps

These passive-aggressive stamps are there when your seething anger over grammar needs to be expressed in a humane way.
Typo Mug

Errorists are the worst kind of evil person. Why? They do not even realize the crimes they commit are crimes at all.
Bad Grammar Mouse Pad

Be reminded to check your [sic] spelling with every click of the mouse.
Comma Sutra Needle Point

Commas need love too, but do not quote us on this. We prefer they do not become quotation marks unless it is “absolutely necessary”
Leather Drink Coasters

These coasters are the perfect tool for checking if your resident grammar nazi is still on his or her game when partaking of the drink. Can you tell which one is not like the others?
I Love You Card

You know you have found the right one if he or she knows the difference.
Proper Spelling Sweater

Looks are not everything. Let them know you are more into their brain.
Smokey The Bear Needle Point

Smokey is apparently branching out from the fire prevention game.
Importance Of Commas Mug

If someone doesn’t understand what is wrong with this mug, he or she should leave right now. Or, perhaps they like to eat cats. Either way, you will want to stay away from this person.
Grammar Nazi Card

We are coming for you. You have been warned.
Grammar Coasters

These are the perfect coasters. Grammar offenders will not be able to realize they have been offended.
Air-Quotes Mittens

You no longer must compromise and “err” on the side of warmth instead of using air quotes. These mittens will frame your breath-fog sentences perfectly.
They’re, There And Their Mugs

Teach people the difference between the three words, all while sipping on your favorite drink. When they learn the correct usage of each word, you can serve them their favorite drink.
Comma Wall Art

Commas have more power than you can imagine — you wouldn’t want to become a psycho, would you?
Comma Shirt

Please don’t eat grandma; use commas to save her life.
Good Grammar Bag

Good grammar is sexier than a nice figure. Say it loudly and proudly.
Grammar Mug

This mug is for those nice enough to allow egregious grammar mistakes to slide. Instead, judge your offender-friends in your head and preserve your friendships.
Whom Owl Shirt

Owls are smarter than you think they are. They always think to themselves: “to whom am I addressing this ‘who’ to” before any utterances com forth from their beaks.