Santa Claus is a being of warmth and generosity, and that's how most mall Santas portray him. However, not every average Joe who signs up to play Santa has that welcoming warmth. Here are the creepiest Santas ever!
Clown Santa
Some people don't like clowns. Some people don't like Santa. This picture combines the best (worst?) of both worlds with a creepy clown santa.
Free Candy Santa
It's not unusual for a mall santa to give out candy. You might want to start walking the other way when you see when giving candy out of their car, though.
Soulless Santa
Drooping cheeks, blank eyes and an expressionless face make for the perfect creepy Santa. This Santa may not even be alive.
Whiskey Santa
This Santa has all of the classic signs of
DIY Santa
Not sure if this guy is Satan or Santa? Don't worry, we have no clue either.
Fake Beard Santa
If you're going to play Santa, make sure that your beard is going to stay in place. This Santa was made for crushing dreams.
Shiny Santa
This Santa has barely-open eyes and a very shiny face. He's watching you…or trying to anyways. Make sure you keep your eyes open for this Santa.
Window Santa
It may seem like a good idea to take a picture with a creeping Santa in the window, but it's not. This is an especially creepy situation if your child doesn't know the Santa is in the background.
Balloon Santa
Santas and balloons are things that many kids are always afraid of. This picture combines the two — no wonder the kids are crying.
Blues Santa
This Santa combines the best of the jazz and blues world. He even comes with his own dark sunglasses for effect.
Oversmile Santa
This Santa may be a little too happy to have the job he has. He doesn't even care that the kids are begging to get up off of his lap.
Perky Santa
This Santa may have gotten into the pain killer medications right before the shoot. Despite the screaming kids on his lap, he looks like he's ready for a fun time!
Saw Santa
If you've seen "Saw," you probably recognize this Santa. You may wake up in a totally new environment after you've visited this Santa, and it probably won't be one filled with mistletoe and sugarplums.
Porcelain Doll Santa
If you've asked for a porcelain doll for Christmas, you may get it earlier than expected. This Santa looks just like a doll — but he's real.
Dad Santa
This Santa caters to children and their dads. Santa will gladly let anyone sit on his lap. Make sure you save some time for the kids.
Speedo Santa
This Santa definitely does not mind if you come sit on his lap in a speedo. He may not join you, but he will definitely not care. Make sure you bring your favorite brass instrument along.
Message Santa
This Santa wants you to pass along a special message to your mommy. Make sure you tell her what he wants!
Noseless Santa
Maybe this Santa had a runny nose and needs to cover it up with a super long beard. Creepiness aside, this Santa's got the beard of the century.
Stuffed Santa
It can't be that hard to find a living breathing Santa, but these people apparently had some trouble. The stuffed Santa is something that nightmares are made out of.
Santa Finally Cracked
All those crying kids finally got to good old Santa. Surely, pleasing everyone on his nice list comes with quite a lot of stress…
The Beard Is Real
And so is the struggle. Looks like this little one may not make the "nice" list this year.
Not On Santas Team
It looks as if these unlucky young ladies have dressed as the away team–And Santa sure looks disappointed. Go Reindeers!
Black Eye Santa
"Darn, looks like I can't put Donner nearest to the sleigh this year" said Santa as he recovered from a dizzying test flight.
Iron Grip
A near escape is caught mid flight as Santa holds on for dear life. Story at 7.
Santa Hits Snooze
In order to prevent the inevitable second crying child, Santa hits the magical snooze button on kid # 2.
Pretty Weird, Huh?
Didn’t get your daily dose of spooky? No worries, there’s plenty of creepy stories on!