The stress of the work week can make you feel like you are clawing your way through the last of your nine lives. These felines know just how you're feeling:
When your boss stops by to check in.

When you’re hungover at work.

When the coworker you hate is getting yelled at on the other side of the office.

When they hire someone your boss considers a “champion.”

When you realize that job you thought was “temporary” just hit its two year anniversary.

When you and your work BFF become literally inseperable.

When it’s paycheck time and the mailman hasn’t arrived yet.

When you have no shame snacking at your desk.

When work boxes you in.

When payday finally arrives.

When things go downhill at the office party.

When it’s your first day and you’re bad at remembering names.

When you hit send on an email and suddenly worry you hit “Reply All.”

When you recall you added some sensitive info in that email.

When you realize you didn’t send that email after all.

When you get a manicure over lunch break because you’re a classy professional.

When you catch someone sitting at your desk.

When your coworkers leave dirty mugs all over the kitchen and you’re the only one who tidies up.

When you say something regrettable at a work party and you roll into work the next morning.

When you get caught stealing someone else’s snack from the fridge.

When you have to do a “team-building exercise” with the rest of the office.

When lunch break becomes nap time.

When you’re late to work and you have to rock the first clothes you find in the drawer.

When you’ve stared at a screen for too long already today.

When everyone is chatting about the work party you missed.

When you make a mistake and everyone else knows it.

When you feel super confident after that promotion .