Either we all have dirty minds, or these logos have an alternative meaning. Take a look at these 21 designs, and decide for yourself.
The Catholic Church’s Archdiocesan Youth Commission

Really? Is that the best logo the Catholic Church could come up with? Or perhaps they're sending us a subliminal message?
Kids Exchange

This is why spacing is important. Without that little space, the company takes on a whole different meaning.
Vermont Maple Syrup

Vermont is a weird looking state, but come on. Maybe we have dirty minds, but this one seems pretty obvious.
Junior Jazz Dance Classes

Is that a picture of two stick figures dancing or is it the torso of a naked woman? We'll let you be the judge of this one.
Deccan Engineering Enterprises

Engineers seem like the perfect people to pull something off like this.
Sun Rise Sushi

It's just the sun setting behind an ancient Japanese temple. Wait. No, it's definitely something going into a butt.
Mont-Sat Satellites

Wonder why this satellite is so happy? Well, we'd be happy about that, too.
The Computer Doctors

It's funny how a simple little mouse turned into something completely different.
Billy Boy Energy Drink

What do you expect from a company that also makes condoms?
Ruben’s Nuts

Come on, Ruben. You could have at least held the nuts a little higher or something.
Fully Erect Tents

Well, that's one way to pitch a tent.
Maoam Sour Candies

There's no getting around this one. That is clearly a lemon and lime getting freaky.
Arlington Pediatric Center

Seriously. They couldn't just position them a little bit differently?
Clinica Dental

What happened to the days when dentists used teeth as their logo? Maybe this doctor does a little extra bodywork for his patients?
Kudawara Pharmacy

That's just the letter "K" with two dots on top. What do you see?
Chimpanzee Breeding Centre

Chimpanzees must really need help breeding, because from that logo, they are doing it WAY wrong.
Big Nick’s Burger And Pizza Joint

Big Nick just wants you to know he's got the best sausage in town.

Whoever approved this design clearly has something else on their mind.
Market Place & Café

You're starting to see a pattern here, right? Extremely phallic logos are apparently all the rage.
Mama’s Baking

We don't want anything to do with what mama is baking in there. She can just keep that to herself.