Brand recognition is key to building a successful company. Marketing teams spend weeks, even months to find the best possible way to get consumers to buy their products. Still, there are some names that slip through the cracks. Check out these products that were obviously over-looked.
Spotted Dick

Anything that comes in a can is usually weird. Having a name like Spotted Dick surely can’t help.
Shrimp Flavored Crack

Even addicts need variety every now and then. Original crack flavor has to get boring eventually.
Cock Flavored Soup

We know it’s chicken flavored soup mix, but come on now.
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My Dadz Nutz

We’re sure your dad’s pecan pie is great. We just aren’t sure we are ready for that image in our heads.
Pussy Energy Drink

Forget Red Bull. Pussy will really perk you up. Seriously, how did this make it to production?
Breast Munchies

When you have the munchies, you don’t want legs or thighs. Breasts are the only thing you want.
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Pee Cola

Nothing will quench your thirst like a cold Pee Cola. Pee goes in, pee comes out.
Finger Marie

We’ll have to pass on the offer. Marie can handle herself.
Vergina Beer

Ah, yes. After a hard days work, all you want is a Vergina.
Couque D’Asses

They obviously needed to add a little emph-asses to get people to buy their product.

Pure water so good, that it has to be SOGAY. Please tell us that is their slogan.
Vag Fresh

There are really no words to describe this. Who comes up with these names?

Megapussi just means “mega bag,” but there’s something unappetizing about that being plastered on the front.
Kiddie Wieners

Not going to touch this one with a ten-foot pole. Even if that pole was over a campfire ready to roast some Kiddie Wieners.
Super Dickmann’s

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, it’s Super Dickmann.
Creamy White Finishing Sauce

Even though they didn’t come out and say it, we have a feeling they knew what they were doing.
Big Cock Energy Drink

Once it hits your lips, it’s so good. As long as it’s not chicken flavored, it might be alright.
Ayds Candy

If your brand name sounds just like a deadly disease, you might want to rethink it. No one is going to want to go around and hand out Ayds over Halloween.
Golden Gaytime

That packaging is full of lies. It’s extremely easy to have a Gaytime by yourself. Just open the freezer and you are ready to go.
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Cemen Dip

Glad that they note the Cemen Dip is fresh. If it’s not fresh, we don’t want any.