Everyone is in search of that "dream job" — the one where you love what you do and hate to leave at the end of the day. While these jobs are definitely out there, they might just be hiding in a field that you weren't even aware existed.
Don’t bother him about those pesky small doors.

Chocolate + Beer = Best Job Ever!

He basically just tells you that your cat is a dick.

Wait…how did he become an expert on this??

We know why you’re smiling, Jerry.

Do you get this job by just eating pork rinds all day?

Super cool job, bro!

Did the elephants vote him as their leader?

Might not be a job title, but you know he’s gonna list this on his resumé.

What kind of viking are you? Oh you know, just your typical science viking.

You gotta keep an eye on those shady salmon.

He better be the best damn paperfolder on the planet.

Being a lawyer on Earth is too mainstream.

Just the head of all things science, no big deal.


Who doesn’t love a good creepy snuggle.

Just go ahead and throw wizard in there, no one will ever notice.

C’mon Ghazali, we know you made this one up.

He just looks like he’s a porn historian…or Wilfred Brimley.

This just sounds adorable.

Shredded cheese not up to code? Better call in Richard.

An “Arrested Development” classic, and it’s pronounced “un-NAHL-rauh-pist.”