It's called work for a reason, but not all jobs require the same levels of stress and effort. Here are several jobs that will pay you a great salary without requiring that much work.
Video Game Player

It sounds too good to be true, but it's not! Major online gaming companies will hire expert video gamer players to test out new versions of video games. Although you won't get benefits, you will get to play new video games before anyone else and make around $50,000 while you're at it.
Dog Walker

Believe it or not, this seemingly low-paying job can actually really rake in the money under the right circumstances. Some dog owners will pay around $50 an hour to have their dogs walked, and since you can walk multiple dogs at a time, that rate can multiply.
Power Plant Operator

It may sound like an important and dangerous job, and you would be responsible for the electricity of millions of households, but the real work of the job is pretty much just flipping switches. So, you know, if Homer Simpson can do it, so can you! All you need is a vocational degree, and you could make around $73,000.
Massage Therapist

One of the most relaxing and stress-free jobs out there is that of a massage therapist. After all, the objective of this job is to create a stress-free environment. After getting a certification, massage therapists can expect to make around $51,000 once they establish a clientele.

Yes, an optometrist does have to know a lot about eyes, but once you've done your studying, all of the gadgets that an optometrist uses make the job a whole lot easier. Basically, you just have the patient try out a bunch of lenses and write down which ones they say are the clearest. You can rake in a ton of money doing it too, around $125,000.
Celebrity Assistant

Okay, this job actually isn't always very easy, since the celebrity you're working for probably has a very busy schedule that you need to manage, but it comes with some incredible perks. You get to attend movie premieres, meet your favorite famous people, and stay in luxury hotels, and get paid around $62,000 to do it! And if Kim Kardashian can do it (here working for Paris Hilton), you know you can, too!
Freelance Writer

Got a way with words? Freelance writers can make around $105,000 a year by just sitting in the comfort of their own homes and choosing the projects that they take on.
Test Subject

This is a pretty risky job, but for all that risk you are paid handsomely in return. Test subjects, or lab rats, help the medical community by testing out new drugs or participating in experiments. Obviously, these can be very dangerous, but lab rats can make a lot of money.
Personal Trainer

Working out at the gym isn't easy, but watching people do it sure is. As a personal trainer, you would design a diet and fitness regimen for your clients and encourage them as they work out. The median pay for a personal trainer in the United States is $55,000.
Romance Novelist

Writing your own novel can take years, and it has no guarantee of selling well, but writing a romance novel is much easier and much easier to sell! Romance novels follow pretty formulaic plotlines, and most of their readers don't care much about the plot anyways, as long as you can write some steamy sex scenes. You can make a lot of money fast by cranking out a new romance novel every once in a while, and also be a published author!
Toll Booth Collector

If you're all right with sitting in a cramped little box for a long time collecting coins from cars, then you could actually make a surprisingly good salary! The average salary for a toll booth collector is $60,000 and many come with pensions.
Message Board Administrator

Moderating comments for large websites is a job that requires a singular person's sole focus, so most websites will hire it out. You can make around $50,000 just reading comments online and deleting the nasty ones.
House Sitter

C'mon, this has got to be the easiest job of all. Living in someone else's house while they're away might actually be an upgrade from living in your own house. And surprisingly, some house sitters make a ton of money doing this, even $100 per day!
Tour Guide

Love meeting new people and talking about your city? Becoming a tour guide would be a great choice for you, especially since you can make around $52,000 a year just gabbing with people about the coolest places to hang out.
Flight Attendant

If you love to travel and have no problem flying on planes a ton, then becoming a flight attendant could be your ticket to a $56,000 salary. You may have to deal with some cranky fliers on occasion, but mostly you just show people how to buckle their seatbelts, offer them some peanuts, and then enjoy the flight.

A librarian's job is perfect if you love books. You'll have to maintain the library books and schedule library events along with helping customers find what they're looking for, but once you know how to use the library system, it's not a difficult job. Skilled librarians can make as much as $57,000.

Being a well-paid artist is obviously not an easy task for everyone, but for the select few with natural creativity and skill, it's a very easy way to make a lot of money. Some people will go to school for art, but that's not necessary. Once you get the attention of the public, you can expect to make up to $100,000 or more.
Park Ranger

If you love the outdoors, then you'll love a job as a park ranger. A park ranger is tasked with keeping the environment that they work in clean and safe. A park ranger can make up to the $70,000 range as a supervisor.
Voice-Over Artist

The most successful voice-over artists can turn their voices into thousands of different characters, but you can still make a good living doing voice-over by finding a few good characters in your voice, or even just using your normal voice! Commercial, cartoon, or movie voice-over artists make an average annual salary of $80,000 by sitting in a booth and reading a script.
Food Critic

There aren't very many job openings for a food critic, and you have to know a thing or two about food and journalism to get hired, but once you do, you're on easy street. The job involves trying out a ton of restaurants and writing about how the food was. If that's not enough incentive, they can get paid upwards of $88,000, although the salary is usually around $50,000 when you start.
Porn Star

This is definitely a job that will be much easier for some than for others. Most people would not choose to be a porn star, but if you are comfortable with having sex on camera then you could make a lot of money. On average, porn stars can make $75,000 per year, although that salary varies a lot.