These pups are literally working like dogs. See what it would look like if our canine companions had human jobs.
“Safety first, wag second.”

“Very good, sir. I’ll grab the silver cufflinks.”

“Where to, sir?”

These buds know how to tune dog guitars better than anyone else!

This dog is so veteran, he’s a dog-walking dog.

Not sure where these guys are going, but hey, at least they’re carpooling!

“Spot messed up that spreadsheet again?!”

In reality, dogs know this guy as the green screen ruffian. Don’t mess with his weather.

This guy can truly rock the pole

“I CAN’T work without my coffee.” *Coffee Emoji*

This dog has clearly mastered ordering from the drive thru menu while keeping it cool.

This guy saw what you did, and he’s about to go under oath.

“Just let me relax, I had a ruff day at work. I’ll take a walk, or whatever, later.”

“Go away I’m studying.”

Charlie has an ID badge. Respect his authority.

This dog looks like she’s about to deliver a disheartening 3rd quarter forecast.

This dog is so respectful on the job he doesn’t even let his tongue hang out.

“I do hate to cut you off but I am READING here.”

DJ Figure Eight’s in the yard!

At the helm and ready to fly.

“If my calculations are correct, I’m seeing a linear relationship between barks and woofs this year.”

“Free water with all kibble purchases!”

“Cat does this every time it’s fish night.

“Quit barking over the radio!”

This pup meets OSHA safety standards while also meeting fashion standards.

The human was scared but this skydiving pro dog got him to jump anyway.

Dog Cop on patrol.