History's greatest engineers have bent designs and a whole lot of metal to meet the challenge of progress. You will be inspired to pick up the drawing board yourself after witnessing some of the finest feats in machinery and craftsmanship that man has ever known. To start here, you're looking at a dual jet-engine-water-gun-tank for putting out oil fires. Crazy.
Goventosa Monocylce

Helicopter Refueling Tank

Helicopter Trimmer

28 Cylinder Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Engine

Railroad Snowblower

4,500hp Boring Machine

Howitzer With Silencer

World's Largest Helicopter

Do You Even Lift?

Pan American Stratocruiser

Hemi-Powered Chrysler Air Raid Siren

North Korean Driving Simulator

One Mammoth Tractor

Lego Injection Mold

World's Largest Enclosed Ferris Wheel

Large Scale Excavator

Kosmonaut Soviet Space Control

A Ship Shipping Ships

Three Generations Of Mars Rovers

World's Largest Wind Turbine Blade

Automatic Bricklayer