Teachers have to deal with unruly students almost every day during the school year. Most students deserve the detentions that teachers hand out, but some of them should get a pass — like these kids. These detention slips are so funny, it’s impossible to be mad at them.
Let’s Make This The Hottest Comeback Of The Year

“Mark called me a ‘cotton headed ninny muffin’ in front of the entire class.”
Guessing The Teacher Isn’t An “Anchorman” Fan

“Told another student to go back to her house on ‘Whore Island.’ ”
Poor Troy. He Deserved Better Than This

"Humping Troy's head."
YOTSO! You Only Throw Sandwiches Once

"Student threw sandwich across class screaming 'YOLO.' "
Did The Other Student Come At Him?

"Taking off shirt in middle of class and yelling 'come at me, bro' at another student."
What Kind Of Game Is This?

"Conversation w/other male students about 'Hide and Go Poop Game.' (a poop contest)
He Could Have Been Looking At Something Much Worse Than Pugs

“Michael finished his group work early, so he took a laptop (without permission) and began looking at pictures of pugs.”
There Still Non-Beliebers?

"Detention for drawing Justin Bieber in lessons, singing that should be me and hitting a 'non-belieber.' "
He Was Just Prepping For His Sex Ed Exam

"Caught Lucas searching 'boobies' while other students were over looking at the photos."
So That’s Where Clark Kent Has Been

"Disrupting class by standing, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal a Superman t-shirt and announcing he was Superman."
Twerking Has Gone Too Far

"I'm gonna twerk on you at homecoming, you better tip me, I ain't shakin' this booty for free."
She’s The Hero We All Wish We Had In Class

"When I asked who could solve my math problem, Katie stood up and screamed 'I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!' at the top of her lungs, disturbing the rest of my class."
This Student Enjoys His Freedom Of Speech.

"Used the 'F' word in the hall multiple times. When I said to him I shouldn't hear that word, he told me to plug my ears and walked away."
Harry Potter Ain’t Got Nothin’ On Joseph

"Student took off his shirt and then proceeded to pretend his pencil was a wand while screaming "I am a f*cking wizard."
Pretty Sure We’ve All Said That When Looking At Our Grade

"Proclaiming 'OH HELL' out loud upon receiving a returned EXAM paper."
At Least He Kept His Eyes Closed

"It was reported that Mason looked up the dress of another student."
Student Explanation: "I looked up her dress. (I had my eyes closed)"
Coolest Kid Award Goes To Raymond For This One

"Threw lamp at another student and told him to 'lighten the f*ck up!' "
Timothy Respects The Craftsmanship Of A Fine Desk

"For yelling 'That is mahogany' when a student dropped book on desk."
Who Doesn’t Look At Cat Pictures At Least Once A Day?

"Disturbing other classmates with cat pictures during class."
Taking “Bible Thumper” To Another Level

"Thumping another student on the head with Bible and screaming 'Infidel.' "
Dannie Deserved This One

"Dannie was standing up in class saying 'Show me your booty hole.' "
The Classics Are Classics For A Reason

"When a student asked another what he was doing after school, AJ responded with ‘Your mom.’ "
Michael Scott Has To Be This Kid’s Father

"Another student made the comment ‘you need to push it in further’ (innocent comment) and Dalton added ‘that’s what she said.’ "
Derek Zoolander Couldn’t Have Said It Better Himself

"Saying 'What is this? A center for ants?' during class."
This Kid Is A True Patriot

"Student asked to watch the Olympic Ice Hockey game. I said no, he said ‘You’re a communist, communist, communist.’ Inappropriate speech."