We often hear stories from the side of the adults who adopt children, but rarely the other way around. Many of us have no idea what it must feel like to be an adopted child, and these eye-opening confessions from those who know first hand will definitely move you.

“I’m adopted. When I was little, I dreamed that I was really a princess and my parents gave me up to protect me from the bad guy.”

“I just found out I was adopted. At least now I know why I’ve never felt like I fit in.”
Too Sweet.

“I’m adopted. As far as I know I have only one set of parents. My current ones.”
A Shocking Discovery.

“My parents don’t know that I know I’m adopted. I found the adoption papers about five years ago. I’m 19 and they still haven’t told me.”

“I feel like I have no identity because I was adopted.”
It Could Happen.

“Even though I was adopted from another country, I still worry that I will end up marrying my brother or cousin without realizing it.”

“This guy once asked why I always talk about my family. I told him, ‘Because at one point, no one wanted me. I’m adopted…'”
It’s Not A Bad Thing.

“I wish people would stop saying, ‘I’m sorry’ when I tell them I’m adopted.”

“I’m the only one in my family to not have red hair (I’m adopted). So I dye it red to fit in.”
That’s Just Crazy.

“Before I was adopted, I was taught to always sleep in a bra. Just in case we had to run from the cops. It took my adoptive parents 6 years to break me from that habit. I still do it when I’m feeling insecure.”
That’s Harsh.

“I’m adopted and just found out all my birth parents left me was a note saying, “not to bother” them. Ouch.”
A Common Want.

“I’m adopted and I think the only thing I’ve ever really wanted to do in my life is meet my birth mother.”
So Sweet.

“People often mention how much I look like my mother. I’m adopted and I smile to myself because it makes me feel like I’m truly their child.”
Strange Way To Find Out.

“My advisor told me I was adopted when I was applying for college. I had no idea.”
Some Things Were Meant To Be.

“I was adopted and wanted my bio family in my life. They used me and hung me out to dry. Learned the hard way that I was adopted for a reason, for many reasons.”
A True Survivor.

“The first thing my adoptive dad said to me was, ‘she’s a survivor’ because he was told about my heart condition and I managed to stay alive in the orphanage without medical care for 2 years.””
A Sobering Revelation.

“I’ve been in foster homes since I was 6 months old. I’m 14 now and getting adopted. I want to change. I want to be a better person so I don’t ruin it.”
The Simple Things We All Take For Granted.

“My older sister and her husband adopted me from my abusive grandmother. I’m 17 and I’ve never had my own bed until now. I am the happiest girl in the world.”

“My parents gave me up. I got adopted. There are a lot of things I take for granted in life. But this, this isn’t one of those things.”
Sad But Moving.

“I’m adopted. I’ve been trying to meet my birth mom for over a year. She doesn’t want to meet me, but I still love her.”
So Sad.

“I am adopted and I struggle with it everyday.”
It Takes Time.

“I used to flinch because I was never held until I got adopted. It used to be scary but now I welcome hugs.”
The Truth Finally Came Out.

“My mother never told me I was adopted. I found out from my brother 5 years ago.”
It Was For The Best.

“I’m adopted and found out my birth mom basically sold me to the state so she could buy crack.”
A Hard Mentality To Shake.

“I was adopted when I was 10 years old. And I know my family loves me but I still feel like an outsider.”
A Caring Thought.

“I was adopted and now that I’m an adult, I can’t help but feel obligated to have a child so my parents can have the newborn experience.”
The Never Ending Question.

“I’m adopted. While I’m walking down the street I always look at other people and wonder, ‘is that my biological mom.'”
It’s Not Where You Come From, But Where You Go.

“Being adopted has made it a struggle for me to figure out who I am. People take for granted knowing where they came from. I have no idea.”
Truly Heartbreaking.

“I am adopted and want to meet my birth parents because I don’t feel at home with the family I live with.”
A Hard Reality To Swallow.

“I’m 19 and still resent that fact that I was adopted.”
We All Feel This Way At Times.

“I’m adopted and sometimes wish that I was with a different family.”
A Strange Secret.

“My secret? My extended family doesn’t know I’m adopted because my parents were too scared to tell them I’m not theirs.”