You are not alone in this. There are tons of people out there that suffer from "freezing office syndrome." If you are the kind of person that keeps scarves and sweaters within arms reach at work — you will relate to these 15 images.
When You Have To Layer Several Sweaters To Even Function

There's no wearing that cute little sweater you bought. You have to wear three or four of those heavy grandma sweaters instead just to prevent frostbite.
When Your Skin Constantly Looks Like This

Every exposed piece of skin on your body is covered in these little bumps. Nothing about this is ever fun.
When Your Work Forces You To Do Outside Activities

For some reason, offices try to hold team building exercises outside — and of course after only one or two in the summer when it's "too hot," most are held in the deepest bowels of the frigid months, when all of the "real sports" are happening.
When Someone Decides To Open A Window Near You

You just found the perfect temperature that you can function at, and of course someone has to mess with it. They usually don't change the temperature either, they feel the need to open a few windows instead.
When You Wake Up In The Morning And Debate Going To Work

When your alarm goes off in the morning, you constantly debate on actually getting up. Your bed is just too snuggly and warm to ever leave.
When You Have To Drink Hot Beverages Just To Maintain Sanity

There's no chance you are drinking regular water at work. Unless that water is boiled and mixed with hot chocolate.
When You Realize Socks And Sandals Actually Are Amazing

Who cares about the fashion police here? Do whatever you can to stay warm and comfortable.
When Anything Below 80 Degrees Means It’s Coat Weather

Once the temperature starts to drop below a certain point, it officially becomes coat season.
When Someone Turns Off The Heat You JUST Turned On

You literally just turned the heat up in the slyest, most unnoticed fashion like a suave spy. Or, so you thought. Someone felt the temperature change by a tenth of a degree, and the complaints started to roll in, so prepare for a temperature plunge.
When You Are Forced To Wear A Snuggie To Get Things Done

People can laugh all they want about the Snuggie. It's actually one of the best things to wear in the office, since your hands are free and your arms stay toasty.
When Your Nose Is Always The Coldest Part Of Your Body

No matter how warm it gets, you are always looking like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer — and you're OK with that.
When You Have To Resort To Sitting On Your Hands For Warmth

Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. You are left with these terrible marks on your hands, but it's so worth it.
When You Find The Perfect Office Scarf

There's no better feeling than finding the perfect scarf to wear to work. You never thought there could be so much warmth and coziness literally wrapped around you.
When You Have To Wear Gloves To Type Anything

Your fingers are usually the first part of your body to feel like they are falling off. But work doesn't care about that, they just want that report done asap, so you fight fire with cozy fire.
When The Sight Of Fire Gets You Excited

You know that the fire isn't real and doesn't provide actual warmth., but just the sight brings you some joy. It feels like there's a light at the end of the tunnel — a very warm light.