Strange, creepy and downright scary things only seem to happen at night, so many that burn the midnight oil working the graveyard shifts have seen a number of things fit for a horror movie. These unsettling stories won't disappoint. In fact, they will chill you to the bone.
Close Encounter.

"One of my friends had a job in the hospital. He said that he was working one night when he heard a nurse shouting for help because someone was going into cardiac arrest. So he runs down a hallway and some man runs towards him, they almost bump into each other and the man shouts "where's the exit?", my friend points to the exit then runs into the room with the man going into cardiac arrest only to see it's the exact same person who ran past him in the hallway. He died in front of his eyes."
A Caller With No Body.

Anonymous Caller.

"A phone used to call me on 9-1-1 every night, make horrible screaming sounds or sometimes white noise, and then disconnect. It scared the living sh*t out of me. The number was as a landline for a vacant residence. The officers we sent out every time never found a thing, and I was repeatedly assured that the sounds on the line were due to a faulty phone line or the rain, but it never stopped bothering me."
Real Life Scary Movie.

"I was a shutting down projectors and closing down the movie theater around two in the morning. I shut off the one projector and turn around to see one theater starting to play Insidious from the beginning without previews. It was extremely out of place considering the projectors are programmed for the movies to start automatically with the 20-minute previews built in. No show was scheduled in the computer and I still don't know how it started. But I locked myself in the office for the rest of the night."
Absolutely Horrific.

Un-Maned Elevator.

"Two different times I saw someone get on an elevator as I came around a corner. I said ‘Hold the Door’, as the door started to close, it opened back like someone had hit the button. When I got to the elevator there was no one in it. After that, many times just as I came around that corner, the elevator door would open, and no one was in the elevator. I had not pushed a call button or anything. I would always say ‘Thanks’ when I got on the empty elevator."
Too Close For Comfort.

"Patrolling a dealership, I notice a guy peeking into windows of cars on the lot. I strike up a conversation to find out what he's doing. Before I even finish asking him how he is, I find myself staring down the barrel of a handgun. I clearly remember hearing the firing mechanism "click,” but it did not fire. Without thinking, I pressed the emergency alert button on my radio, run and duck behind a car, and immediately describe the suspect in as much detail as I could. Police, K9, and helicopter dispatched and find the guy hiding under a CAT tractor in a nearby heavy equipment dealership."
Unexpected Visitor.

"I work at a hospital overnight. I was cleaning two rooms after patients left. They were connected. I saw a little old lady in a chair, hunched over. I stared at her for a few seconds, thought it was odd they put a patient in already. Two female nurses ask if I was sitting in the chair. Nope, it was an old lady. Well, I check. Room is empty. I would have seen if she walked past me. Creepy. No one on the floor fit the description I gave of her – except the lady who died in the room 4 hours before my shift."
Children See All.

Dead On Arrival.

"I worked at a truck stop a few miles outside of town. At 3 am a car pulls into the parking lot and parks. There's a guy in the driver seat, crying, and a woman in the passenger seat just staring straight ahead…not moving… no emotion whatsoever. They sat there for what seemed like an hour. Then the guy gets out and comes in. He grabs a few random items and puts them on the counter. The whole time he is looking all around, checking for other people. There was no one but us… for miles. He then stares right into my very soul and says: 'It's quiet out here, isn't it? So quiet you can almost hear the angels singing.' I muttered something unmemorable and he left. She never moved."
Surprise Visit.

"Sometimes patients come in for other problems and don't mention that they sleep walk. There have been a few occasions where I have been sitting in my office watching vitals and writing reports when I turn around to get something and a patient has sleep walked into my office and is standing right behind me. At two in the morning, in the dead quiet. That gives one quite a shock."
A Terrifying Scream.

Risen From The Dead.

"I used to work in a hospital. The thing that struck me as oddest was when I saw the coroner running at full speed down the corridor towards the morgue. I had never seen him above an amble before, but this time he was really going for it. As he got close to me he yelled "Out of the way – I got another live one!". I am not sure what was more disturbing, the fact that he was dealing with what I could only assume was a dead body that now appeared to be alive, or the fact he said 'another'."
Sucking Up Body Parts.

"I was working late nights detailing cars for the police. I got this one where a guy shot his brains out with a 12 gauge. Blood and brains were everywhere in the cab of the truck. The only thing I had was a small carpet cleaning machine with a long clear tube with an attachment for upholstery. Needless to say I saw all the brain chunks getting sucked up through the tube. For some reason that made it worse than actually having to sit in the cab full of brains and blood."
Real Life Zombie.

"I used to work at a Hilton hotel. Homeless people with MRSA (flesh eating infections) wandered in at 3am on cold nights and refused to leave. There was one incident in particular where a vagrant got upset with our security guy and ran up to him and hugged him, and started trying to kiss/bite him to try and infect him. My security guy threw him down and proceeded to beat the holy hell out of him – got blood everywhere. Hazmat unit came out, and we had to close down the lobby while the area was cleansed. We never heard from the security guy again, or what his status was."
A Horrible Sight To See.

Not A Sound.

"Working overnight security I noticed a woman standing in the middle of the parking lot staring at the security camera. When I went outside to tell her she had to leave she said nothing and handed me a note. The note said something along the lines of: 'They are listening to us. Don't say anything. If you or your commander can help me just shake your head.' I told her again she had to leave, but she stood there for another 15 minutes staring into the camera. I called the police but she was gone before they got there."