Tips jars are all too often ignored — but in these cases, you will be hard pressed to walk past these without giving generously. Check out these cleverly disguised tip jars that will have you emptying out your pockets.
That’s An Unfair Question

They’ve got us in a pickle now. Looks like we have to give to both. Now read this text in both voices and tell us we’re wrong.
Karma Is Real

Your karma comes out when your tips go in.
Help Send This Sloth To Space

How could you say no to that face?
Don’t Let Nemo Die!

His gills only work when he’s surrounded by green faces.
What Would Jesus Do?

You’re damn right he’d make it rain!

Giving tips makes you feel good. It’s contagious.
Epic Rap Battle

Only your tips can prove who was the greatest of all time.
Bears Eat Money?

Apparently, bears have branched out to eating change. Times must be hard in the forest.
At Least They Tried

We’ll give them an A for effort — and a few dollars as well.
Looks Like It’s A Tight Race

It’s neck and neck. Better get out and support your gender!
Only For You Lionel

But only if Lionel follows us around creepily and sings that song.
SpongeBob SquareBills

SpongeBob needs to upgrade his pineapple. That thing has to be rotten by now.
Help Little Foot Out

When his mother died, it broke all our hearts. Give generously!
That Tip Really Tied The Room Together

This isn’t Nam, there are rules — and tipping is one of them.
We’ll Trade You Dough For Dough

Oh pizza place, you so punny.
They Do Have A Point

Hugs from strangers are weird. Avoid any of that by just tipping.
Fear Not

That way, you’re leaving your change in good hands.
It’s Not Crazy, Ice Cream Is Love

You keep feeding us ice cream — and we’ll keep dropping in money.
Feel Clean And Give That Green

Here you can get rid of all that evil money you have.