Hotel employees are on the front lines of a hotel so they have encountered some "interesting" situations. But, they aren't the only ones that have witnessed weirdness going on in hotels, guests have too. Here's just a few...
Read The Note

“So I worked valet at this fancy hotel in Virginia and one Friday evening this really nice old couple pulls up and gets us to unload their bags and park the car, all the stuff you do at a fancy hotel. Later that night, they have a nice dinner and drinks out on the town and return to the hotel. The next morning, someone sees a note on their door that says, ‘Do not enter, call the police’. It turns out that one of the old people was diagnosed with a terminal, incurable disease and they decided to take cyanide and both go out together after a nice evening, instead of letting the disease win. The weekend after this happened, the room was reopened and no one even knew that it happened.”
Alcohol Brings Out The Weirdness In People

“While we had a wedding on in the function suite the manager got called through to the restaurant to deal with a woman who was shouting and refusing to leave. She was wearing a dressing gown and wasn’t making a whole lot of sense. The manager finally calmed her down and managed to escort her to reception. While she was sat in reception and the manager was trying to ascertain whether she was a guest or not she started making strange moaning sounds. The manager asked her if she was okay and she replied very matter of factly ‘Oh yes, I’m just having an orga*m’. She proceeded to piss herself and was escorted away by police. Fun day.”
Hotel Rave

“We had a swingers group stay at the hotel for a few nights. They had a rave going on up on the second floor, there were naked people everywhere on the floors, kids were freaked out by it, other guests were complaining. On top of that, families could hear the couples running from rooms and constantly fking. One guy had found out his wife was pregnant with another guys child so he decided to throw the tv out the window. It was complete chaos and this is a fking luxury hotel.”
Toilet Bubbles??

“I had a weird guest who was part of a land survey crew that would come in every week. One time she called the front desk and said, ‘There are bubbles in my toilet. Why are there bubbles in my toilet?’ I told her they might have flushed the water pipes (BSing). She then says, ‘Hold on, I’m going to bring some down.’ I said, ‘Ma’am, that’s really not necessary,’ but she was already off the line. About 5 minutes later she comes down the elevator with a wineglass full of clear water. ‘Well, it was bubbly a minute ago!’ I had to walk in the back and beat my head against the wall for a bit. We also found a crack pipe made from a hotel pen, and what look like rocks in cigarette cellophane in our presidential suite. Cops came, tested it, it wasn’t crack, but the manager was still threatening on drug testing everyone (had to be an employee that did it).”
Salad Is The Best

“As the owner of a bed and breakfast place for the last 8 years the craziest thing I ever found was an old battered notebook with ‘Why I love salad’ written on the front and then literally 40-80 pages on why salad was amazing. There’d be the occasional suggestion that the author believed salad to be alive in some sense. Looked like it had been written on and off over the course of several years.”

“Basically, there’s a policy at all his hotels that if you piss the bed, £50 will be added to your total bill to cover the cost of new sheets and the labour of the maids. So one time, this woman and her husband stay round, and when the maid goes to change their sheets one time the bed is found to be soaking wet. So £50 is added to their bill, and at the desk she asks about it. She’s adamant that it wasn’t piss, but won’t tell the desk worker what it was. So my friend’s dad gets involved, and demands to know what the liquid was. She finally gives in, and says ‘My husband is a fantastic lover, and I had the biggest orgasm of my life’. My friend’s dad starts laughing, and a few minutes later adds it to the policy. So now at all his hotels, it’ll cost you £50 if you piss the bed OR c*m so hard you ruin the sheets.”
Pie Guy

“We had a guest we ended up calling ‘Pie Guy’ – he would come into the hotel without a reservation, pay in cash + the $100 cash deposit and the next day we would find his bathroom and bathtub full of the remains of several expensive pies. He never came to the desk for his deposit, as he knew he wouldn’t be getting it back. We added his name to our ‘do not rent’ list but he kept coming back and using different names. One time we found a torn up list in his room with the words ‘pie’ and ‘pants’ scribbled over and over again.”
Elderly People Are The Sweetest People

“We had an elderly (70s) couple stay with us once who were the absolute best. We offered a complimentary dinner around 6 p.m., and the wife had come over to the front desk and brought me a plate of dinner, saying ‘You’re far too skinny to get any girls, young man.’ I thanked her and ate it, while her husband walked up, gave her a leash, and she left to go walk the dog outside while her husband and I talked about what they were doing in my neck of the woods. They go back to their rooms about half an hour later, and I go about my business. Around 8:30, he calls down crying, saying his wife won’t wake up. I go up there, calling 911, but I found that she had passed away, sleeping on his shoulder, while they were watching Wheel of Fortune. I wept like a girl that night, and kept him company while he tried to call his children, who weren’t picking up their phones.”
Don’t Sleep On The Treadmill

“This one lady came into the lobby around 11pm, asked for the workout room so I opened it back up for her figuring she was one of those 24hr workout people. I went back in around 3am to close it up again, and she has set up a bed for herself on the treadmill. Ended up giving her our last room after she had a fight with her husband and was refusing to sleep with him.”
Mattress Party

“Not a hotel worker, but back in high school I was on a trip with my crew team of about 80. The guys decide that, since we have an entire floor of the hotel to ourselves, we’re gonna line up all the mattresses in the hallway and… idk do something, it was high school. I’m just about to wrestle my mattress through the doorway when I hear the best combination of screams and laughter coming from a few doors down. Everyone simultaneously runs to the room and immediately books it out of there when they discover… Under my buddy’s mattress was about an 18” cucumber covered in sh*t. Maids come, sanitize the room, my buddy gets a new mattress, and according to them two construction workers had been staying in that room for two weeks prior.”
Chocolate Fountains Are The Best

“My boss has told me the story of a couple on their honeymoon. So we basically set out to try and get things our guests ask for and these newlyweds wanted a chocolate fountain. Sure, my boss thought, wouldn’t be to much of a hassle right? No, they had to search like heto find one. Well after the couples stay they check out and don’t really say much. When the maid is going to clean the room she basically goes in and starts laughing, my boss comes into the room to and there is chocolate fking everywhere, you could see her a**cheeks in the bed and on the table and even in the roof. You could make out where they started and where they stopped.”
Get Your Act Together

“Had a guy in a very upscale hotel (> $1500/night) sit in the lobby and smoke several Cuban cigars and drink ~1L of Patron. I guess he had to use the bathroom, so he made his way to the bell stand to ask where the toilet is. After asking and making his way down the stairs, the bellman smelled something and saw a turd on the floor in front of his stand. The gentleman was still walking downstairs and was leaving a trail of turds behind him. He was wearing long pants and they were just tumbling out of the leg hole every few feet or so. He made it to the bathroom and proceeded to smear his sh*t ridden mess all over the walls of the stall. He left the mess and his pants for housekeeping to clean up. Once presented with the bill for cleaning the next day, he threatened to write a bad review – since he was a hotel critic and all.. He was blacklisted and never got his pants back.”
What’s Wrong With Me??

“Got into a lift from the top floor to head down. Lift stopped at 4th floor, door opened, saw people outside standing still, making no attempt to come in despite me being alone inside and there was room for them. The automatic lift door then closed and before it was completely shut, I heard someone outside said ‘Why is the lift so full of people?’. Like I said, I was the only one in there, FML.”
The Pool Guy

“I worked at a hotel in Florida, a fairly upscale hotel. One day after a particularly bad string of thunderstorms, I went to go clean the pool. They had an actual pool guy they called from time to time, but only when the pool was really bad. When I first looked at the pool I brought the manager outside and told him I felt like it was out of my scope. The pool was covered in debris. Leaves, plants, mulch, dirt, etc… He told me he thought I could handle it, though, so I was like, whatever, guess I’m scooping this fking thing out with a net all day. So I start scooping, probably had been scooping for an hour or so, this 10/10 knockout girl comes to the pool in her string bikini and asks if its swimmable. I kind of look at her like she’s retarded and ask her if she really wants to swim in that, she just kind of shrugged and decided to lie down in a sun chair till I finished scooping the pool out. Which is fine by me, great scenery while I work. We started making small talk and finally she said she just wanted to dip her legs in. She does so and after about 10-15 seconds I notice some weird looking things swimming around in the pool, and they’re coming RIGHT FOR HER FEET. I scream ‘YO GET UP… GET OUT.. GET OUT NOW.’ She looks at me like I’m crazy, but gets out. I point and she looks down and about… oh.. 10-12 of THESE FKERS are now gathering near the wall where she was soaking her feet. She freaked out and ran off, and I assume went back to her room and had a nervous breakdown.”
How Did That Get There??

“Worked in a motel when I was 17-18. I was at the front desk not working when the housekeeping guy called me to check something out in a room that was being cleaned. I go up there and the housekeeping guy is standing in the middle pointing up to the ceiling. There was a set of bare footprints on the ceiling which is at least 10 ft high. Bare. Not shoes or slippers and only in the middle and nowhere else. There’s no way he jumped that high upside down and no prints on the walls either. Also he left a single bullet on the bed.”
The Ice Machines Are The New Hip Hangout Spot

“I started working right out of high school at a very nice hotel in my city as a dishwasher in the hotel restaurant. Sometimes I would run room service orders to guests if the waiters were super busy. My second week working there I was taking up a meal to the third floor of the hotel just before the kitchen closed. I get off the elevator and I immediately heard faint moaning from the other end of the long hallway but I ignored it at first. I delivered the food to the room right next to the elevator I came out of, and the guest told me she heard loud screaming minutes before I came to the door, she seemed worried. As I was about get back on the elevator the moans continued, I looked towards the end of the hallway to see something on the ground next to the ice machine at the very end of the hallway. I walked over to see what it was and I find a man dressed as a woman, wearing a blonde wig, and wearing a short red dress laying in a pool of vomit while moaning. The strange part about it was that the dress was pulled up and this person had one of those nature valley granola bars shoved almost half up his a**. Eighteen year old me couldn’t comprehend the situation, so I immediately went down stairs and told security and I went back to the kitchen. About 20 minutes later, paramedics arrive and take the lady man away. Never did find out anymore about that person, that whole ordeal is still a mystery to me.”
Hotel Adventure

“I was once in a hotel with my sister and we were walking through the halls. Then we decided to have fun and see what staff doors were open. We got into the weight room (it was 3 AM was supposed to be locked) and started screwing with the weight equipment. Just as we are about to leave this one employee gets up from the dark corner and walks out in front of us. We rush out just to see him walk down the stairs. Still in the mood of adventure we head to the stairs and see her going down… and down. She went to the basement and then gone. The stairs ended in a cut off area, and there was no where to go, but she was gone. Creeped out we took a zig zag path back to our room to not be followed.”
Jared From Subway

“Obligatory not a hotel worker, but when I was in high school, my youth group went to a conference in Florida. One of my friends worked at Subway at the time. While we were unpacking in our room I saw him take out this folded cardboard thing and unfold it. The other two guys in the room watched as he presented us with a cardboard cutout of Jared, who had the creepiest smile on his face and was holding the pants he used to wear when he was fat to the side. Now this was before the whole controversy thing involving him, which kinda puts what we did in a darker perspective. My friend told us, ‘We’re gonna scare the hell outta people with this.’ So we would take our fellow friends’ room keys and placed Jared inside of their rooms. One girl opened her room, saw this malevolent-looking figure smiling at her creepily while holding his pants out and decided, against all reason, to run inside of the room to escape from him. She later laughed about it, but she was absolutely terrified. I knew from her reaction I would never choose her to join me in the apocalypse. I got a piece of my own medicine when I woke up to find Jared hovering over me, showing me his pants, and I freaked out. Much laughs were had at my expense. But, alas, we had to leave at some point, so we didn’t know what to do with Jared. We decided to leave him in the elevator standing in the middle of it to freak out anyone who entered. We heard one guy squeal like a little girl as we were leaving the hotel behind. So worth it. “
That’s Messed Up

“Not at my hotel, but one a friend of mine was managing a few years ago: A hostage. Guy and girl meet a drug dealer at his hotel room. They guy didn’t have enough money or something. So the dealer tells him to go get it while the girl waits with him in the room. Apparently the guy bailed and ditched his girlfriend with the scumbag drug dealer. When it became clear that the guy was not going to come back, the drug dealer spent a few hours raping the girl. Security went to the room because of several noise complaints. The security guy knocked on the door and heard someone start yelling for help. He called for back up. While security was calling the cops the drug dealer fled the scene. When the police showed up they found some drugs, a big bag of sex toys, a gun in the room and a severely battered and traumatized woman.”