These workers obviously believe that safety should come second, or fourth, when it comes to getting things done. Check out these 20 images that will have OSHA working overtime to fix.
Don’t Look Down!
How many ladders is that there?
Now That’s How You Use A Pallet Jack
But, hey, you gotta admit that's pretty rad!
Water And Electricity Is A Harmless Combination, Right?
He Sure Has A Lot Of Faith In Those Trains
Just Needed An Extra Boost
How Many Men Does It Take To Operate A Forklift?
Hopefully No One Needs A Band-Aid Anytime Soon
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Some Unlucky Soul Will Be In For A Fun Ride
That Tree Had A Little Tension To It
Why Is He Standing Right Underneath It?
Those Big Red Letters Just Aren’t Clear Enough
The Warehouse Long Jump Champion