“Having A Bad Day?”

Faces Portrait/Shutterstock
“A co-worker of mine came to work at the auto parts store with a severe hangover. A customer got smart with him and made the comment, ‘Having a bad day?’ My co-worker punched the customer right in the mouth.
Another customer said, ‘Hey, you can’t do that,’ so my co-worker punched him, too. Then he walked out of the store. I’ve never seen him since.”
I’m Outta Here!

“Steven Slater, a veteran flight attendant, announced over the plane’s public address system that he had been abused by a passenger and was quitting his job.
He then grabbed two beverages and exited the plane by deploying the evacuation slide and sliding down it.”
What A Coincidence

Lisa F. Young/Shutterstock
“I worked at a fast-food restaurant in high school. Paychecks were technically handed out on Saturdays, but our manager usually tried to show consideration by getting it out to us on Thursdays.
One week, the paychecks got delayed somewhere higher up than my manager. She apologized and most people were disappointed, but she was genuinely sorry even though it wasn’t her fault, and hey, getting it early was a perk anyway. Most people said, ‘Well, that sucks,’ and were done. But not a girl I’ll call Crazy. You see, Crazy had put a down payment on a TV and if she didn’t get the MegaCorp the other $200 that day, she would forfeit the deposit. Why a 16-year-old needed a TV that badly was never properly answered.
She spent a good 30 minutes arguing with the manager about how it wasn’t fair, paychecks were given out on Thursdays, that she was going to sue as if needing to buy a low-quality TV in installments puts someone in the position of hiring a lawyer. God bless that manager for not strangling her or firing her on the spot.
Finally, the worker stormed off to do some cashier work. The end of her shift came and oh my God, isn’t it just the craziest coincidence, her till was $200 short. The manager said, ‘Well?’
The girl said, ‘Oh, really, I don’t know about that. But while we’re talking, I quit.'”
Is This Why They Went Under?

“I was an assistant store manager at a Blockbuster in Ohio. I also was in undergraduate school in my junior year. I wanted to only work 25 hours and split the time with another manager there. Our store manager worked it out and it was approved by the district manager.
It was great. I worked about 20-25 hours depending on the season and went to school. I took a lot of credit hours, about six classes, so I stayed busy.
Well, one night I got gallstones and needed to be out of work/school for about three weeks while I had surgery to remove my gallbladder and to heal up from that. So I healed up and when I came back to work, the craziest thing happened.