“I’m Not Really Your Dad”: The Nanny Couldn’t Believe What She Heard

Iakov Filimonov/Shutterstock
“After the woman I nannied for caught her husband in a long-term affair, they were telling the kids about their impending divorce. He told his two younger daughters, ‘I just don’t want to be a full-time daddy anymore’.
He told the eldest girl (mom’s daughter from a previous relationship, whom he had legally adopted when she was a toddler), ‘And I’m not really your dad anyway.’ He married his side piece a year later and now they have a new baby.”
Not The Kind Of Thing Anyone Wants To Hear At 5 AM

Blaj Gabriel/Shutterstock
“I’m an EMT. I went on a call to one of our ‘repeat customers,’ an 80ish female with advanced Parkinsons. This was about 5:30 am, I think. It was a very simple call, but she was frustrated/confused and getting agitated. At that point, her caregiver who was probably in her 50’s, motored in and began to calm her down.
She said, ‘Mary, Mary, these nice men are here to help you! Look, three strong men, they’re just getting you back into bed. Aren’t they nice? And look, look! None of them are black!’
Weird. None of us were expecting such overt racism. Especially the black paramedic.”
The Fact That Girls Do This Made This Woman So Angry

“One of my employees told me about this encounter she had last weekend.
Working a slow Sunday when close to closing, a well-dressed but clearly stressed out lady came in to try on some shoes. She had 3 teenage sons in tow who were fidgeting and impatient with her as she was trying on different pairs. They seemed bored and were questioning when they could leave.
Her sons’ impatience was rubbing her up the wrong way and she sent them out to their father who was across the road. (This is a common scenario, any amount of time in a shop with your mother is too long. Kids get bored! Especially teenage boys.)
Once her boys left, she turned to my employee and remarked, agitated that she had ‘done Starbucks, done McDonalds’ and they were ‘hounding her’ to go home so that they could play Xbox Live with their friends.
She was fed up with their attitude towards her only chance to shop for something for herself that day. She was cursing them under her breath as she put her hair behind her ears and preened in front of the mirror.
Trying to diffuse her anger, my employee tried to lighten the mood by saying that yes, it can be annoying when kids are dying to get home to their game console and that she played Xbox herself, so she could sometimes find herself in that ‘go home and play games’ mood.
The woman spun around, SHOOK at the thought that girls can and do play Xbox, ‘A girl? A GIRL? Playing XBOX? A GIRL?’ She was incredulous and then tried to belittle my employee by making fun of her hobby, not wanting to ignite a debate my employee simply replied that you know, different strokes for different folks type thing.
The woman scoffed at her and went to leave the store. When she got to the door, she spun on her heel and spat out ‘I don’t know why I ever effing had kids.’ And was gone.
It’s up there with the nastiest thing I’ve ever heard.”
This Guy’s Racist Remake Did Not Get The Response He Expected

“I worked at Japanese restaurants for years and, as the only white guy working there, all the white customers felt comfortable bringing their racist complaints to me. Well, one time after work, the servers and sushi chefs went out for drinks and we were all playing pool. Let me just pause and say that, again, I’m the only white person in the group and we are all friends and are all hanging out together.
So half-way through the game, this wasted frat boy comes up to me in the middle of the group and says, ‘I bet you and me could beat all these [Asian slurs] in pool!’ They all heard him say that.
I was standing there like, ‘You realize these are my friends?’
He just acted like I had no right to be offended and was like, ‘You know what I meant!’
Yeah, I knew what he meant, he’s a dumb racist.”
“Seemed Like A Super Normal Guy, Then…”

Lisa F. Young/Shutterstock
“Years ago, I was doing pest control at a state police outpost. It’s one of those cop shops out in the middle of nowhere. They only had four ‘holding cells’ and in one of those cells was a guy wearing cut off denim shorts and a camo shirt. Super redneck guy.
I was getting friendly with the troopers there and asked redneck guy why he was in. He told me he beat his girlfriend because she told his mom he was drinking again. As the trooper and I were walking away he said, and I quote, ‘I’d have put her in the hospital if she did that to me.’ Seemed like a super normal guy, then bam, says that.”
Accidentally Insulted All Of Their Co-Workers

“I was the one who said the messed up thing.
I was transitioning from my job, where I felt like a loser, to something better. I’ll preface it with it was actually a good job that a lot of older workers made a career. In a public setting, I said something along the lines about wanting to move on because I didn’t want to feel like a failure anymore. I also said that didn’t want to stay there my whole life.
I realized too late that I essentially called them losers for working there. That still haunts me.”
All Of Her Student’s Progress Was Ruined In a Moment

“We had a kid at nursery with serious anger problems. Full on screaming and crying, face red with rage, swearing and physically attacking other children as well as me and my co-workers. He hit me in the face with a wooden block once and gave me a bruise on the cheekbone. The kid was 3 years old and coming out with all sorts of curse words. No prizes if you guessed that his parents were totally horrible.
I’d been doing a lot of one-on-one work with him, helping him to control his temper better and to follow rules like sharing and helping tidy up after playtime. Simple enough stuff, but he’d have a meltdown if you asked him to tidy something away because ‘YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!’
After months of working with him two days a week, it happened. I invited him to help me tidy away the building blocks and when I turned away to pay attention to something else, he continued tidying the blocks until they were all in the basket. I was so proud, and I could see the happiness and satisfaction in his face from completing the task. I spoke to my co-worker and at lunchtime, he got the coveted golden sticker, showing that he’d been extra good that day.
He was absolutely bursting with pride and throughout the day kept coming up to me and showing me the sticker, saying “I been a good boy. I got the sticker, I been a good boy.” At the end of the day his mum comes to pick him up, he showed her the sticker with a big grin on his face, ‘Look mummy! I got a sticker cause I been a good boy!’
And without any emotion in her voice or her face, she said, ‘I doubt it. Don’t lie.’
His face fell and my heart broke. I gave him an extra tight hug before he went home and told him how proud I was of him, but it was too late. I left that nursery two years ago and I still miss that kid. He had so much potential and I really hope his awful cow of a mother hasn’t managed to squash it all.”
The Babysitter Was Disgusted By How These Kids Were Raised

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock
“I babysat a family a couple years ago, four daughters all blonde hair and blue eyes, very pale. I took the girls to a park and they were playing with this little African American girl while I was talking to her nanny. They were all playing tag and the African American girl tagged one of my kids and my kid said to the girl, ‘You’re nothing but a little black [n word] girl.’
I apologized profusely, reprimanded the girl, and took them home. The girl was 6, you don’t learn that stuff in kindergarten, you learn that at home. Needless to say, I never sat for them again. It bothers me to this day.”
She Was Going To Get (That) Money One Way Or Another

“I worked retail for a long time. There was a woman in the store, nicely dressed, talking on her phone. I was stocking a nearby area and I overheard her talking about a divorce she was going through. She was complaining about the amount of alimony/child support the father had offered and how it wasn’t good enough.
Then she dropped, ‘I swear to god if he doesn’t give me what I want I’ll just say that he touches them. I’ll tell everyone he knows and I’ll cry while doing it. No one will believe him and he’ll be ruined. He better just give me my money.’
I was so shocked I had to take a break right then and there and almost cried for a stranger I’ve never met. What a heartless, thoughtless, selfish woman.”
The New Manager Made His Stance On Racism Very Clear

“My dad was training for his GM position at Cracker Barrel. While out in the dining room, he overheard a conversation between a customer and his server. The customer noticed an interracial couple sitting a few tables over and said to the server, ‘Can you believe a girl that hot is with that [n-word]?’
My dad said a few young, African American servers were nearby and seemed to be crushed when they heard that comment.
My dad proceeded to kick the racist out. The dude tried to argue this, to which my father said, ‘You can have this conversation with me or I can call the police and you can have it with them.'”
This Retail Worker Believes God Has A Reason For Everything

Dmitry Kalinovsky/Shutterstock
“At a retail hardware store in the midwest, I heard a cashier talking with a customer about how Houston had been dealing with natural disasters (the most recent one had been Hurricane Harvey).
She opined that, ‘They’re getting hit because they have the country’s biggest Planned Parenthood down there. And they’ll keep getting hit until they repent.'”
This Vet Tech Couldn’t Believe The Turn Their Conversation Took

“While working as an emergency veterinary technician, I received a call one night about a dog who needed to be seen. The owner was concerned about something minor (I forgot the issue it’s been many years since) that wasn’t a medical emergency as described to me, but an ’emergency’ is one if the owner thinks it is and should still be, at the very least, evaluated by the doctor. When said owner asked about the price of the visit, I answered that it was $95 for the physical only, though additional costs could arise for anything else medically required if anything else was needed after assessment.
The owner then began to scream at me that I was tricking them out of their money to make a profit and that they should just go shoot the dog in the head with prices like that. Needless to say, they hung up and never came in. Still bothers me people like that own animals. Jerks!
FYI having an animal is like having a child… It comes with a ton of responsibility and care. That includes medical care! Don’t have pets if you can’t afford a vet.”
This Supervisor Had Quite A Few Messed Up Opinions

Aila Images/Shutterstock
“My supervisor for my current summer job is this old retired PE teacher. I work as a lifeguard. He’s a supervisor in the summer just to make some extra money post-retirement. He has said quite a few politically incorrect things to me:
1. I was a Physical Education major in college so one day he was asking me about my college experience. He asked how many girls were in my program, I said it was about a 50/50 split, and he said, ‘Oh, there’s that many lesbians, huh? I never really talked to the lesbians in my day. Just let them do their thing.’ As if any female PE teacher is automatically a lesbian. Then he told me that it would be hard for me to find a teaching job as a straight, white male ‘because of the feminization,’ which I think means more females in physical education.
2. I had to cover a different pool one day instead of my normal one. It was a three-guard pool in an apartment complex, and the other two guards were African American high school boys. They were decent enough workers but they were playing music in our guard room. A few of the pool patrons complained to the leasing office, who called my supervisor, who called me to discipline them, which I did. A couple of days later, my supervisor asked for my side of the story and he asked, ‘Were they playing music and dancing like they were in Africa?’ I said yeah, but I told them to turn it off after complaints. He responded with, ‘Should I just send them back to Africa?'”
This Coordinator’s Response To A Crime Shocked Security

“I used to be a night shift hospital security guard and one night a victim of assault came to our ER. After telling the first shift about it, the first words out of the first shift coordinator’s mouth were: ‘Well, was she worth doing it?’
It took a lot of self-control not beating him up and I kind of regret not doing so.”
“The Guy’s Jaw Dropped” After His Bigoted Jokes Weren’t Tolerated

“I’m Jewish and from Memphis, my father always tells a story about when he was a car salesman. He was showing some guy a car and the guy kept saying things like, ‘I’m going to Jew you down on this price,’ and my dad didn’t say anything until they were finished looking at cars.
My dad said, ‘So what do you think about the car?’
The guy said, ‘I like the car but the price, I’m going to have to Jew you down on it.’
My dad turned to him and said, ‘You can’t beat one at his own game.’ Apparently, the guy’s jaw dropped and he turned white and just left ashamed.”
Her Dementia Brought Out Her True Feelings

“I’m a (white) delivery driver. I brought food to this 96-year-old white woman whose brain is stuck in the 50s. I was about 8 months pregnant and she looked at me, dead serious, and said, ‘That’s not a BLACK baby, is it?’
I thought about responding with, ‘I’m not sure actually. Guess we’ll find out when he’s born,’ but I didn’t think I could handle the karma of killing an old woman via heart attack because I decided to be as much of a jerk as her poor dementia-ridden brain could take.”
Leaving This Job Also Meant Leaving Behind This Bigoted Co-Worker

“I worked with a guy who was a really serious bigot and racist. Not only against black people, but everyone. Basically, if you weren’t a white man, he probably had something to say about you. And I assure you, this guy was pretty low down and disgusting even without the racism thrown into the mix.
So we worked in an automotive garage. The parking was terrible due to limited room. One day, an elderly black woman poked her head in the door and asked if I could help move her car. It was in a very tight spot. So I moved her car for her and she thanked me. Upon my return to the shop, the Bigot said, ‘What did she want?’ So I explained.
He threw his arms in the air and said, ‘Well, that’s what ya get when you drag ’em out of the jungle and stick ’em behind the wheel of an automobile.’ At the time, I was the only one who heard him. I am very glad I don’t work there anymore.”
This Co-Worker Holds Some Extreme Positions

Pop Paul-Catalin/Shutterstock
“A co-worker said this about the Middle East: ‘I would just throw enough a-bombs there to kill anything that moves. They are not people.’
The same co-worker also said, ‘This area I live in is nice, but there are many cockroaches there.’
Thinking that she meant small insects I said, ‘Oh yes, I had them in my apartment when I was little, they could be annoying, they used to crawl all around the walls.’ I was met with a blank stare. Another colleague told me later that she meant refugees.”
She’s Found The Perfect Response To Remarks Like This

“I used to have customers come up to me and start a sentence, ‘I need to tell you something, someone who actually speaks English in this restaurant…’
I would always interrupt them and say, ‘Sir, everyone here is fluent in English, they have to be in order to work here.’ Then I would turn around and walk off, leaving them dumbfounded.”
Horrible First Impression

Gumirova Elvira/Shutterstock
“This was a co-worker I had. Like my first week on the job, I was getting to know everyone and I mentioned that I lived in a town nearby. He said he lived there too, so I asked where and then told him the area I lived at. He then said he was going to break into my house shoot my family and dogs to death.
The guy also worked with mentally disabled people and would brag that he gets paid to beat them when they misbehave. He’s dead now (overdose) and honestly, I’m glad because this guy was an absolute 100% piece of absolute human garbage.”

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