These 11 pilots share their near-disastrous stories with us all. If you have a fear of flying — you might want to turn back.
“I Decided To Jump Over Him”
"…shrieked and gasped. I was glued to my window and looked down and saw we hurdled over another plane that had been taxiing across where we were landing." — /u/CharlieChuu
“We Started To Rapidly Lose Pressurization”
"…pressurization was climbing very fast. We started a steep, but not quite emergency descent, while I flipped the pressurization switch to manual and then back to auto. Pretty sure all the passengers noticed were their ears popping. It gave us about 80 seconds of a scare though." — /u/Theseblueskies
“Little Things Like That Can Kill You In This Industry”
"…turn would have taken us directly into him. My student never even saw him. In any case it shook me up pretty good and taught me an important lesson about not getting lazy with clearing procedures even after a long tiring day." — /u/Willflyforfood09
“An Act Of Sheer Ignorance On The Pilot’s Part”
“…were at his altitude, so he ended up running one heck of a gauntlet through all these people as I was descending and climbing them to get them out of his way." -/u/AnImbroglio
“He Was Very Angry They Didn’t Tell The Passengers”
"…people involved said they absolutely couldn't believe he managed to land that plane in the condition it was in. They claimed he should have crashed and couldn't believe it.”- /u/buschdogg
“Needless To Say He Was Mortified”
“…off and scream "skydivers!" and my instructor had no idea. He was my only eyes during my maneuvers, and he had me fly right into a the path of skydivers without knowing it.”-/u/lakewoodhiker
“The Thrust Reverser Suddenly Unlocked”
“…pressurization and thrust required to continue to our destination at cruising altitude. This was one of those near hypothetical failures we trained for in the simulator but you'd never expect to see in real life.” -/u/Virgadays
“I Don’t Know What Ended Up Happening To The Other Pilot”
“…runway. He was going too fast to abort so he had to pull up early and cleared the other plane by feet. His passengers had no idea but the other plane's passengers saw everything.”-/u/HarborMaster1
“I Was Going To Dead Stick It From Overhead”
“…start to pull the throttle back and it goes loose in my hand, I am stuck at 100% throttle. Luckily had a multitool so I just jury rigged the throttle back once we had stopped, started the engine (it had an air start), and taxied back and got it fixed properly.” -/u/subhumann
“The Pilots Avoided Telling Us”
“…about the problem until we were 15 minutes from landing in Florida. The pilot told us that the wheel fell off, and we had to do an emergency flyby. They had ambulances and firetrucks lining the runway.”-/u/InternetUser007
“The Tower Assured Them That They Were Clear”
“…the heat coming off of them. It's a goddamn C-5A. My dad then gets back on the horn and asks the tower if they're sure they're clear because they almost got crushed by a cargo plane. Tower comes back with something like "Oh-uh..roger that we are seeing some activity in that area."-/u/gh0stmach1ne
Check out Reddit for more of these stories.