Few things are more frustrating on the job search than finding cushy or dream-like jobs you’re not quite qualified for. That scenario immediately forces a dilemma: Should you spend (and potentially waste) time applying for a job that may be out of reach, or abstain and deny yourself a possible opportunity?
Know this: Slightly out-of-reach positions could still be well worth your time investment. If you possess 80-85 percent of the requisite skills for the job in question, it may still be worth considering! Every job is different, and some companies are more amenable to the idea of ‘learning on the job’ than others. If you are under-qualified, but can demonstrate your ability to work hard to acquire the skills necessary, you can still contend for the job.
With this in mind, it’s also important to consider why it is that you want to apply for this job. Are you applying for a job that is slightly out of reach simply because of prestige or financial compensation? Consider equally the possibility that your lack of qualification for this job may be because it wasn’t really the job you were looking for. Be careful that you don’t zero-in on this job because of external factors and ignore that it might not be a good fit. You don’t want to miss out on the perfect opportunity in the process!