Baby monitors are suppose to help provide peace of mind for busy parents, but sometimes the things heard and seen provide anything but. Parents and babysitters alike share some of the most unsettling, strange and downright creepy things they ever heard or saw over their baby monitors.
A Strange Invisible Friend.

“One night I’m sitting in bed and I start hearing my daughter babbling. I look at the monitor and see her standing up in her crib. BTW, we have been teaching her ASL since she was about 3 months old. I can see her signing things like “nice” and “silly” and “fun” and oddly enough “no”, “don’t like” and “bear”. When I get to her room I ask who is she talking to and she signs “friend” and “bear.” I tell her that no, Bear (her stuffed toy) is in bed behind her but she just giggles at me and signs “silly” and “mommy”. I ask her who Friend Bear is and her response literally gave me chills because she doesn’t speak well yet but she managed to say, very clearly and with the most serious face a 20 month old can pull off, ‘No name, no name, shhhhh.‘”
A Tragic Discovery.

“I was in my daughter’s bedroom cleaning while she was playing in her crib. I had her monitor turned down, but when I noticed the red lights moving, signaling noise, I turned it up. I heard, plain as day, a child screaming something along the lines of ‘I’m sorry, no!! Please no!!!’ The worst part is that I could actually hear him being hit. Not slapped, but seriously beat. I ran outside hoping to hear the child scream from a house so I could call the police, but I couldn’t zero in on it. Such a horrible feeling, not being able to stop this poor child from being beat. I never looked at any of my neighbors the same.”
A Horrifying Twist.

“I was at a friend’s house and her baby monitor had a camera built in and was installed at the foot of the crib. We are watching a movie when the receiver’s sound sensor spikes and the screen goes white. She picks it up, and all you can make out on the screen is an eerie face. We go running into the room and her kid is sound asleep. About 10 minutes later the same thing happens. I get up quietly and sneak into his room, while she stays on the couch. I catch the kid standing up in his crib, with his face right up against the monitor. He looks over at me and quickly lays down and acts like he is asleep. A few nights later she tells me the same thing happened to the monitor, but her boy was sitting on the couch next to her.”
An Unexplained Jingle.

“I did at home care for a little while and the lady I assisted had dementia. We had a baby monitor in her room so we could hear when she was waking up. We also had bells pinned to her sheets so that when she was trying to get up on her own (fall risk) we would hear the bells jingle. It was common to hear her down in her room talking to “that man.” Asking “who are you?” and “what is it?” to an empty room. One evening her and I were in the living room together and I heard the bells start jingling on their own over the baby monitor. There was no ceiling fan, the AC/heat wasn’t running, no windows were open.”
A Terrifying Nighttime Lullaby.

“I used to babysit two kids and they had a video monitor that picked up sound. I put them to bed and was sitting downstairs. It was silent except for their breathing through the monitors. All of a sudden I heard a little kids voice singing. I couldn’t tell what the voice was saying, but it sounded really creepy. I looked at the monitors and neither kid had moved. Went up to their rooms and checked on them both. Apparently the younger one would sing to himself when he couldn’t sleep, and his mom didn’t tell me that. He was laying perfectly still singing softly, and I nearly s–t myself when I heard it through the monitor.”
At Least The Shadow Was Nice.

“I was baby sitting my niece. I heard some whispering and realized it was coming from the monitor and when I looked at the TV there was a dark shadow near her crib. I ran to her room and saw nothing but I took her the hell out of there. I went back to the TV and the shadow was clearly gone. I told my brother what happened and he told me that he had seen that same thing several times now, with the same whispering. They stayed in that house for about 4 more years and when my niece could talk she would tell her mom about her ‘special friend.’ When they moved out, my brother told me my niece had become inconsolably sad because she would miss her ‘friend.’“
A Terrible Thing To Hear While Home Alone.

“My family used to have a baby monitor set up at the top of our stairs so that when myself or my brother were downstairs on the computer, my mom wouldn’t have to yell to us to come upstairs. One night I am home alone and am downstairs on the computer. The monitor was on when I heard a bang. I then heard my front door unlock but the door didn’t open. About 10 seconds later I heard a massive loud bang, like someone stomping on the hardwood upstairs, and the baby monitor went to loud static. I immediately started crying and hid under the computer desk. When my parents got home they asked me if I had let anyone in because the door was unlocked. Nothing was taken and there were no signs of anyone else being in the house.”
Creepily Sweet.

“When I was little my parents used to hear an indistinguishable mumbling coming from my room on a weekly basis that was blatantly a man’s voice. These were the same nights that my toys would turn on and start playing music in the middle of the night. My grandmother used to say that my grandfather (he passed away when I was just over a year old) was always watching over me.”
A Terrifying Mistake.

“My husband went to put our son to sleep and then we started watching a movie. The window was open and we could faintly hear our neighbors’ dog barking two houses down. I look over at the video monitor and see my son standing up and a WOMAN WALK IN AND PICK HIM UP. I was just in disbelief. Told husband to go check, he went up there and kiddo was lying there like ‘trying to sleep here…what’s your deal?’ He came back down and we just sat there dumbfounded until we heard the neighbors dog barking again…but on the baby monitor in our sons room. Took us about an hour to finally realize they had the same monitor as us and we were watching their kids room.”
At Least He Was Trying To Help.

“My brother told me a few years ago he woke up in the middle of the night hearing his son crying his eyes out then a low man’s voice saying shhh be quiet,’ then silence. He ran in to the room and the baby was asleep and no one else around.”
Unexplained, Terrifying Noises.

“A few nights in a row I would hear a baby crying and then a woman scream at that baby to ‘SHUT THE HELL UP!’ I ran into my little girl’s room and she is silently sleeping. We were surrounded by other families and I knew a friend across the street had a baby. I asked her what brand of monitor she used, and she said she didn’t have a monitor since she had her baby in the room with her. I asked if there were any other families with babies on the street and she said no. From then I still heard someone talking to a baby over the monitor. I would hear someone shushing, crying from both a baby and woman and whispering. I ended up getting rid of the monitor after a month. I did investigate further, and no one else on our street had a baby.”
A Frightening Case Of Mistaken Identity.

“I have a picture from my baby’s monitor that creeped the hell out of me one day when I checked on her during her nap. It looks like a skull with glowing eyes laying in her crib. It was actually a toy car and the infrared was reflecting off of it.”
Creepy, But Very Helpful.

“My parents told me of the ghost “nanny” that I used to have as a baby. She told sometimes they would awake to crying over the baby monitor. This would be quickly followed by the sound of the rocking chair in my bedroom rocking and I would stop crying. She told me that they would often come into my room and find bottles that neither of them had given me.”
Lending A Helping, Ghostly Hand.

“My uncle told me that one night over the baby monitor they heard whispering and what sounded like my cousin’s voice. Strangely though, they heard another voice that sounded like my grandma’s (she passed a year before this). They go into her room and asked her who she was talking to, and she says ‘I was talking to grandma, she helped me find my doll.’ The doll WAS on the floor, but when they checked on her it was in her crib.”
That’s A Whole Lot Of Nope.

“My house was a two level with one monitor upstairs and one in the basement. One day I was looking for my sister and decided to use the upstairs monitor to talk to the downstairs monitor to see if she was down there. I pressed the listen button and all I heard was a young girl singing a song quietly. Freaked out I asked my brother to come downstairs with me. When we get down there all I see is our rocking chair… rocking. We quickly ran up stairs to find my little sister napping in her room.”
A Body-Less Voice.

“When my sister was a baby my mom had just put her down for a nap and went to wash dishes. She was home alone. After a while she heard a man’s voice coming through the baby monitor, singing a lullaby. No one was in the nursery.”
A Chilling Discovery.

“I am babysitting for my neighbor and I put the kid in his room for a nap and proceeded to go sit on the couch and play on my phone. I keep hearing weird low sounds, like mumbles or whispers from a man with a deep voice, and I realize it’s coming from the baby monitor. I keep listening and I can hear the word ‘asleep’ keep being mentioned from the whispers. I go up to his room and open the door and it is cold as f–k in the room and it got warm a few seconds after I step inside.”
A Creepy Adventure.

“Heard a strange hissing noise at 3:30am through the monitor and our movement pad went off, walked into the room and he was fast asleep. He proceeded to wake up the next morning and tell me that for the last few sleeps he has ‘been picked up and flown to a place in Ireland where his 6 brothers and sisters live.’ He’s managed to name them and they remain the same each time I ask him about it. Safe to say me and his mother are slightly scared.”