We all played "The Sims" growing up, but it turns out, we were playing the game all wrong. Either that, or these people are just plain crazy. You be the judge.
Just In It For The House

“I was always too lazy to actually build my own home from scratch and so whenever I started a new file, my immediate goal was to move into the nicest house already on the map. Well I scoped it out, and a nice couple lived there. So, naturally, I:
-Had an affair with the lady of the house
-convinced her to divorce her husband and stay in the house
-married her
-moved into the house
-knocked her up for good measure
-divorced her and kicked her out of the house
It was a nice house.”
True Love

“I married a cute sim who was as thin as a rake and as muscular as a really, really muscular thing. I liked his face, didn’t like his body. Overfed him until he was a little chubby. Edited him in create-a-sim to have a gut, he looked about 3 and a half months pregnant. Made him quit his athletic job and become a professional gamer who raked in cash from livestreams. Realized livestreaming is OP in Sims 4 and forced him to get fired because I wanted to see if anything special happens when a sim gets fired.
He was really embarrassed the day he got fired.
He came home from being fired, further embarrassed. I made him wet his pants and he died of embarrassment.”
One Fit Family

“I made a house filled with swimming pools so that everything was on an island. With all of the constant swimming to eat, sleep, pee, play basketball, etc not to mention constantly changing from clothes to swimsuit and back, my sims spent their lives in perpetual exhaustion.”
The Serial Romantic

“My sim had the serial romantic aspiration. I made her the girlfriend of every sim in town. Then when I completed my aspiration I switched to soulmate, proposed to one of the sims, invited everyone to our wedding… When we said our vows and kissed everyone broke into tears and I spent the rest of the reception dumping everyone. My new husband was very angry with me but I just woohoo’d him like 5 times ’til he was super flirty and everything was all good.”
Too Close To Home

“I once set up a Sim to have my exact life.
The Sim spent all the time crying. :-/
I stopped playing after that.”
Hey, You’re Playing It Wrong

“I built a haunted house and killed like 3 families for the cemetery. The game literally gave me a pop up saying the Sims is a life simulation, and that I’m killing too many Sims.”
The Black Widow

“I created the ultimate temptress, with every social bonuses I could and, of course, the Gold digger life goal. I wanted to see how fast I could get it.
First thing I did was find the richest house in town and flirt with the man living there (right in front of his girlfriend). Soon I’d seduced him and kicked his ex-girlfriend out of the house.
Then came the wedding. Right as the happy couple came back home, I built a small cage out of large windows on the front porch for the guy. My sim just sat on a chair, on the front porch, eating pizza and reading while waiting for her new husband to slowly die of starvation in a glass box in front of her.
Goal achieved! Just a few days in, and my Sim had achieved her life goal.
Eventually, the ghost of the husband came to haunt her. So my Sim did what she does best: she seduced the ghost. There’s a way to make a ghost permanent, so they lived together for a while (that guy didn’t learn his lesson the first time around).
After a while my Sim became pregnant, and soon she gave birth to a healthy ghost baby.”
AJ Ruined Everything

“In Makin’ Magic I had a brilliant dog called AJ who was loved by the whole family. He never had an off day and brought sheer joy to his owners. Decided to train my wizardry and get the spell that allowed you to turn pets into humans, so AJ could be even more a part of the family. He turned out to be the biggest f** a* as a person and was abusive to his family, so we had to take care of him. I built a monolithic tomb, and trapped him inside. The family stood out front playing music to him as he slowly starved. They bought a new dog and played with it happily outside his eternal resting place to torture his trapped soul. Eventually a dragon burnt down the house and killed them all. What a game.”
Probably The Actual Future Of Humanity

“I think this was Sims 2, I made a reality TV show house full of stereotypes, left them on free will mode, and had someone “voted off” every three days based on whoever was the least popular. The person ‘voted off’ was murdered, naturally.”
The Shameless Homewrecker

“I wanted to find a husband for my female sim, and there weren’t many great choices in the neighborhood. I finally found a young adult male sim I wanted, but one problem he was already married to someone else, an elderly woman.
Well, I used my female sim’s charm to get him to ditch the old lady and marry my sim.
The very next day I got a pop up message that informed me that his former wife had died of old age. It was almost like she died of a broken heart because of my evil female sim seducing her husband away from her. My sim also had the evil trait, so it seemed oddly appropriate that she made the old woman’s last day alive so miserable.”
Stay Away From This One

“I one by one created my ex-bfs. I’d flirt with them, get a little woo-hoo action, them one day they’d have a little accident. Who knows why John decided to try to fix that broken dishwasher at 2am with no repair skill? Or how François got trapped in the pool in the middle of the night? How unfortunate.”
Alien Hybrid Baby Ghost Town

“My friend and I created a new neighborhood with just one family – two men and a woman. We decided we were going to populate the town with their descendants, so we used cheats to constantly get them alien pregnant, age the babies, and have them move out. We ended up with a huge colony of alien-human hybrids. We ended up inviting everyone back individually, murdering them, and creating a huge graveyard with a headstone on every square of land. The three humans we started out with ended up dying of fright after being terrorized by all the ghosts of their hybrid children, and suddenly what was once a very populated town became completely devoid of any human life.”
Was It Worth It?

“Used to play the original Sims where customization and actions were very limited. I would make a bunch of houses with 8 people each, no doors, and wait for them to get depressed, pee their pants, and die. Lots of gravestones indeed.”
The Black Widow, Pt. 2

“I made my sim have 6 kids, back to back, with 4 different guys. I move in with the most recent baby daddy and kill him off so that none of my kids know their fathers. While all this is happening, I also flirt with everyone in town who will give me the time of day, make them break up with their partner, and then ask them to be friends. I enjoy making enemies. I also go to the graveyard and write really demeaning things on the epitaphs.”
Ambrosia Hog

“I had Sims 3 ambition which lets you make ambrosia, a food that instantly makes you a young adult again. So I had my Sim keep eating it while his wife got old and died, and his children aged and died before his eyes, and he just kept eating it, never sharing. Imagine that you having food that keeps you young forever, and you could easily make it whenever you want, but instead you hog it to yourself and let your whole family die.”