Some relatives just can’t be trusted. Weddings are supposed to be a joyous occasion as two hearts and two families become one. However, some relatives tend to show their true colors during these tender moments. Unfortunately, wedding planners are sometimes caught up in family drama, but they still have a duty to keep the wedding from falling apart. Here, wedding planners shame the one relative at a wedding that made their job a little more difficult.
All stories are edited for clarity.
A Fainting Spell

“My wife and I asked our wedding coordinator what horror stories she had. This one immediately came to mind:
The wedding coordinator had been hired by a sweet couple to plan their big day. Everything was great up until the day of the wedding. It became obvious that one of the bridesmaids was trying everything to sabotage her hard work.
It all started with her going around to multiple guests as they were sitting down in church and saying, ‘If you feel faint please leave and go outside as the family couldn’t afford to bring in additional AC.’
The weather was perfect, yet the bride’s sister was going around as if it was way too hot for the guest. Besides, the church was perfectly conditioned. I mean how do they have Sunday service every week?
Then the bridesmaid ‘fainted’ when the vows were being exchanged after bragging earlier to someone that she was going to do it to cause a scene. She also did another fake faint as the bride was leaving the church and caused a domino effect of falling bridesmaids. Luckily the bride and groom got away just in time.
The mother-in-law, who was in tears for all the wrong reasons, asked the troublesome bridesmaid if she was feeling ill. The MIL then asked if she could go to the hospital in an attempt to get rid of her. The bridesmaid then said, ‘Oh, I’m feeling much better. I can’t abandon my friend on her big day!’ Everyone heard how nonchalant her words were.
Things got worse at the reception when the bridesmaid was seen by the wedding coordinator taking a dead rat out of a plastic bag and attempting to place it by the food. Luckily, she was caught and confronted before being forced to leave before cops were called.
The wedding planner told the bride and groom a week after the wedding. Apparently, the bridesmaid was the bride’s best friend and was jealous that she didn’t marry the groom because they previously had a thing.”
A “Precious Moment” Indeed

“My mom made wedding cakes for almost twenty years in the 1990s-2000s.
Several of her horror stories involved Precious Moments figurines, of all things. They’re the ones that look like creepy babies or ‘angelic’ children.
For some ungodly reason, Precious Moments cake toppers were all the rage for a while. Unfortunately, they are made of ceramic and can be a bit heavy to place on top of the stacked cakes.
One time, Mom was mid-cake-setup when the mother of the bride handed her a 5 lb. Precious Moments wedding car, and told her it was the preferred cake topper. Besides being heavy, it was also larger than the top tier of the cake.
My mom flat-out told her, ‘No way. That thing is way too heavy, it will crush of top the cake.’
However, the mother of the bride didn’t want to take, ‘no,’ for an answer. She kept insisting that the wedding would be ruined if they didn’t have the cake topper she picked out. My mom refused and explained several times that the cake could not support the weight car.
This made the mother of the bride belligerent and angry. She walked out of the shop in a huff, but this didn’t bother my Mom. Instead of placing the car on the cake, my Mom placed the car next to the cake and got a pretty array of flowers from the florist to put on top.
It was a pretty impressive display for a last-minute change. My mother called for a delivery and that was that.
An hour later, she got a frantic call from the reception hall.
Apparently, the cake had fallen, ‘all by itself.’
As it turned out, the mother of the bride waited until the delivery was finished and placed the car topper on top of the cake, and left for the ceremony. The reception manager found the cake all over the floor shortly after.
Mom banned all Precious Moments after that.”
Have It Your Way

“I’m not an official wedding planner, but I did help my cousin plan his. My uncle was a nightmare and behaved like an absolute shit stain at my cousin’s wedding. He was like a father-of-the-groomzilla. First, he decided he didn’t like the bride and he didn’t want his son to marry her because she wasn’t bowing to every single one of his wishes for her wedding. Thank God for her because my cousin is the nicest person ever and would have let him push him over. However, if it wasn’t done my uncle’s way, he wasn’t going. His attitude was, ‘charming.’
He threatened not to come so many times we lost track. My aunt almost left him because of how horrible he was being. She called my mom sobbing many times and said she just couldn’t be with him anymore because of how he was acting.
My uncle wanted the wedding at his favorite hangout and the reception at his favorite restaurant or he ‘wasn’t coming.’ When we showed him the seating chart, he switched everyone around while they went to lunch.
The poor bride was in tears trying to fix everything she had spent weeks, if not months, meticulously planning. Instead of having immediate family at tables one and two (bride and groom), he switched it so that he and his best friends were at table one and pushed the rest of us to table three. His grandmother, his siblings, myself, and his first cousins were all moved.
He nearly ruined the entire wedding with his selfish behavior. Throughout the very beautiful ceremony and reception, he loudly commented on how it would have been so much better if they’d done it his way. At one point, my uncle tried to get me to validate his dramatic outbursts, looking for sympathy and ‘support’, but I said nothing.
His comments were so distracted that I finally had to say something. I couldn’t take it anymore and said, ‘Your son, the first one in our family, is getting married. This is their day. Aren’t you happy for them?’
My uncle was quiet for two seconds before he turned to his obnoxious friends for validation. Unfortunately, they gave it to him.
Despite everything, the wedding was perfect. You could see all the blood, sweat, and tears the bride, the groom, and I poured into all the little details. If they’d done it the way he wanted, it would have been the world’s worst wedding. My uncle’s wedding speech was terrible. He was drunker than a skunk and rambled through the whole thing, talking about himself; meanwhile, the bride’s father gave the most beautiful speech I cried.
My uncle was an obnoxious drunk for the rest of the wedding and was loudly telling people what he would have planned and what he would have done. I think he made the bride cry when she overheard him telling this to her family: ‘Oh yes, it was beautiful, BUT…’ Then he would go into a long alcohol-fueled ramble about how the wedding could have been better.
If I get married, he’s not invited unless he cuts out his vocal cords and stays away from liquor.”