You won't believe the creepy and outright crazy things these adventurers have found in the woods!
Just A Little Creepy…

“In Brooklyn there’s a park that’s over 500 acres and there’s parts with woods where few venture. My dog led me to all these places and one day I found large, fresh, real animal tongues nailed to trees. At least half a dozen tongues, each nailed to its own tree. My dog also introduced me to decapitated chickens and other leftovers from the primitive rituals Brooklynites perform in their park by night, so I assumed the tongues were leftovers from similar practices. Very unnerving and creepy, nonetheless.” (Source)

“I once found a bloody backpack and a termite infested book. Clearly someone had left this here for a very long time considering the amount of termite damage. I picked the backpack up to see what was inside, and saw that it left an indentation in the pine straw below. Inside the backpack was a mint condition notebook and a decaying binder. I left to tell my parents about the discovery. When we got there, the objects were just gone. It was like the backpack was never even there. There was no indentation left in the ground and there were no termites at all. My footprints were still there, but there weren’t any other footprints anywhere.” (Source)
That’s Not Rain

“Some college friends and I were hiking in backcountry Maine, pretty deep in the woods. One girl mentioned she felt it start raining, but when she wiped the raindrop off, it was blood. We looked up to see the back half of a deer that had been stashed by a Mountain Lion. One if its hind legs had been severed, and was hanging by the achilles tendon on a lower branch.” (Source)

“A creepy event happened to a friend of mine hiking as part of a Forestry class. They were taking a break, and she happened across an animal bone. Being one spooky licorice stick, into wicca and all that, she kept it. A couple years later, her Pre-Med roommate was very distressed to find the distal phalanx bone of a human hand sitting on her desk.” (Source)
Now That’s Truly Disturbing

“When I was 11 or 12, I found an old, rotting tree house in the woods. I climbed up the few remaining wooden rungs nailed to the tree. No big deal, right? Inside the tree house? A VAST hoard of rotting porno mags — half the pages of half the magazines were warped or decomposing or stuck together. Whoever built and used that funky little shack in the sky had gone and cut the eyes and vaginas out of every single image of a nude female.Even the women in the tiny little 16th-of-a-page, black and white, illustrated advertisements for things like dildos and pecker pills. Every single eye. Every p*ssy. Many of the larger, centerfold images in many of the magazines had the vaginas removed and then had been sewn/stitched close with thread. There were spools of thread, razors, pens, eyed-needles, markers, etc. everywhere. I got the f*ck out of there and never went back.” (Source)
Just A Little Out Of Place

“I was geocaching in a park, and the coordinates took me a ways off the trail down into a creek. So I’m thinking like, ok, maybe this is in the riverbank or something? NOPE. Suddenly in the middle of this live oak forest is this 15 foot tall shrine. It was made of some plaster like material and painted blue, and shaped like a cave. There were niches in it and some faded pictures that I think were catholic imagery along with fake flowers. It was just so out of place and it freaked me out, I had no idea who had put it there and how many people knew it existed.” (Source)
To Be Fair, It Would Make A Good Prop For An Urban Legend Film

“I was taking a film class, and my concept for the latest project was to create my own urban legend. So I went to a local area that was known as sort of a dumping ground for inspiration. You had to walk through the trees, and eventually you’d end up at a somewhat nice looking cliff that overlooked train tracks. Huge piles and piles of tires, and other garbage. I gathered some of the debris to use as found objects/props/costume material in my film. When I took the items home, I wanted to wash some of them, to make them easier to use for costuming. That’s when I noticed the skirt I picked up was covered in both grass stains and blood stains. It definitely disturbed me, and I never felt the same about visiting that place again.” (Source)
saving a hiker

My two friends and I were hiking in a pretty popular spot in our area. It’s a 150-ft waterfall that takes about 45 minutes of uphill hiking to get to. We decided to go bouldering around the bottom of the waterfall, where there are various little pools and boulders where the water runs off from the waterfall. This bouldering trail is not on the main trail, and not too many hikers ever veer off of the main trail. To our dismay, we found a woman laying face down along the trail When we found her, we called 911 and gave her any supplies we had. Eventually a helicopter showed up and they flew her to the nearest hospital. Turns out she was hiking with her friend the NIGHT BEFORE when they both fell off of the waterfall. Her friend must have gone to get help, but unfortunately died less than 100 yards from where we found the girl, so no one knew she was hurt or that she was even there. This craziest part? This picture was taken a day before we found her, and it wasn’t until after the rescue we noticed her body in the background of the picture. (Source)
It Takes The Other Trail Or It Gets The Hose Again

“Hiking alone at dusk doing a five mile loop in the Santa Monica Mountains in Los Angeles. I see another lone hiker approaching from the opposite direction. As he gets closer, I suddenly realize I know this person: It’s the guy who played Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs. We get within three feet of each other. He looks at me. He sees the lightning bolt of recognition hit my face. His sad and resigned expression back said it all: ‘Yes, I’m him. No, I’m not really a serial killer.’ I walked briskly by him anyway and didn’t look back until I was a good 100 yards down the trail.” (Source)
Good Dad

“Took my young children to a cave not far from the house. Popular spot, but we had the place to ourselves. You can walk through it in about 30 minutes without too much difficulty. It has a tiny exit at the opposite end. It was pretty muddy, so we decided to turn around and head back to the entrance. Halfway back, there was a lit candle sitting about eight feet up one side. It was definitely not there on the first trip. I went into full-on protective-dad-mode knowing there was likely someone hiding in the dark while we walked the rest of the way out.” (Source)
Coincidence? Or Just Plain Creepy?

via Imgur
“When out exploring an old abandoned quarry with some friends, we found this dude just staring at this rock, occasionally twitching, but he never turned around. We were pretty creeped out so didn’t investigate, and left pretty soon after. Later on that night we found out that another friend was driving down the lane that runs parallel to the quarry found a guy in a black coat stood in the middle of the road, and wouldn’t move. She was pretty freaked out and had to reverse all the way back up the lane in the dark because he was still there. Pretty sure it was the same guy, otherwise it was just a big coincidence.” (Source)
Not Sure If I Could Live In That House After That Encounter

“My brother and I were hiking out in our new backwoods (we had just moved in to a new house) and we stumbled upon a small open grass field. In the center of it, there was a person with a blue jacket crouched over. We thought it was a friend of ours that we had recently met, so I ran out to meet. I did not have my glasses on, but I got pretty close enough to see that it was a grown man hunched over the carcass of a deer, stabbing it with an unsharpened stick. He looked up, and saw me. I was pretty freaked out, so I turned around and yelled at my brother to run, and we sprinted as fast as we could back home.” (Source)
Well That Was Unexpected

“My dad and I were out camping in the Mountains. We had set up our tents and then we heard screams in the woods. Not wanting to stick around and see what it was, we packed up our stuff and drove to a different part of the woods. We thought it was mountain folks eating people or something. We drove down by the store and told the clerk that we heard screams. Turns out it was an orgy for people who dress up in animal costumes. He was telling us that they have been doing this for years.” (Source)
Now THAT’S Creepy

“The creepiest was this one time I was hiking alone. Decided to camp in a clearing next to a creek for the night. I hadn’t washed for a few days so I decided to swim in the creek. No one around, so I do it nude. Climb out of the water and begin drying myself. Drying my hair and the towel covers my face. Pull the towel away from my face and there is an old dude there in front of my, naked, masturbating. I shout at him that he’s a creep so he scampers off making weird growling noises. I did not sleep well that night.” (Source)